My solutions to ACM Uva contest problems.
Includes a helper script, Usage:
$ alias u='python'
Show a problem description (downloads and caches to disk).
$ u view 424 --text
Edit the problem (stores the expected input and output as comments in the beginning of the file)
$ u edit 424
Test the program against expected input-output in the source file.
$ u test 424
$ u test 10920
10920 FAIL
--- output
+++ expected
@@ -1 +1,5 @@
+Line = 2, column = 2.
+Line = 3, column = 1.
+Line = 3, column = 3.
+Line = 4, column = 4.
+Line = 5, column = 4.
If we get stuck, show a hint from Steve Skienas site.
$ u hint 424 --text
List the problems we haven't solved yet.
$ make list-unsolved
10258 - Contest Scoreboard
10264 - Problem B: The Most Potent Corner
10920 - Problem A - Spiral Tap
11581 - Problem E: Grid Successors
11988 - Problem B: Broken Keyboard (a.k.a. Beiju Text)
List the problems we have solved
$ make list
573 - The Snail
575 - Skew Binary
579 - Clockhands
591 - Box of Bricks
673 - Parentheses Balance
Run test suite for all solutions, solved or not.
$ make check
424 PASS
483 PASS
488 PASS
494 PASS
499 PASS
543 PASS
573 PASS
575 PASS