A Cookiecutter Django project template that uses Tailwind CSS, Wagtail CMS and works with Docker.
Based on django-cookiecutter
- Docker - Production and Dev configs
- Tailwind CSS
- Webpack - Production build, optimise assets and generate favicons
- API - Django Rest Framework
- CMS - Wagtail
- Add Frontend JS framework options
- Production webserver config
- Custom user profile
- Initial auth setup
To generate your project get Cookiecutter:
pip install cookiecutter
Run Cookiecutter with this template:
cookiecutter https://github.com/dantium/django-docker-tailwind
Enter your project details at the prompts, once the project has been created enter the directory:
cd project_slug
Run with docker:
docker-compose up
Create a superuser:
docker-compose run django_project_slug ./manage.py createsuperuser