Web editor for the NerdSEQ Mappings
Algorithmic drum sequencer built on droid eurorack platform
Compiler-augmented typesafe CSS-in-JS with zero runtime, colocation, maximum safety and productivity
A React component for building Web forms from JSON Schema.
Software to Hardware Prototyping for Eurorack using C++, Max/Gen~ or Faust
Simple example of audio synthesis using stm32, HAL and CUBEIDE
Firmware library: variable playback rate for teensy audio library
Stupid talking machine saying pieces of french dirty words ! STM32F4 Discovery board based sample player with sequencer and effects. USB host midi driver for external control. STM32
New Experimental Music synthesizer based on an STM32F4 Discovery board (ARM Cortex M4F from STM32 series) with USB MIDI Host function for interaction and automatic mode. Updated with Cube/HAL.
Hardware Design: Eurorack shield for teensy 4.1 with 14 in / 16 out analog channels
A DIY drum machine for the teensy microcontroller (hardware / software)
An Arduino library for the Analog Devices AD5668 Digital-to-Analog Converter
Zero-runtime Stylesheets-in-TypeScript
Flipping how we define typography in CSS.
Test your Apollo GraphQL Gateway / Federation micro services.
Use CSS in JS with postcss-js in webpack
A lightweight design system built on React.
Svelte implementation of the Carbon Design System
A fully accessible, extravagantly flexible, React-powered Tab Panel component
A fully accessible, easily themeable, React-powered menu button