Oneclient is the Onedata command line interface for mounting distributed virtual filesystem on local machines.
⚡ A Fast, Extensible Progress Bar for Python and CLI
A lightweight LLVM python binding for writing JIT compilers
Official git repository for Biopython (originally converted from CVS)
Sulstice / dimorphite_dl
Forked from UnixJunkie/dimorphite_dlProtonate Your SMILES! Mirror of
FFFold: A tool for the quick optimisation of protein structures from AlphaFold DB
Converts an xyz file to an RDKit mol object
Working with molecular structures in pandas DataFrames
Open Babel is a chemical toolbox designed to speak the many languages of chemical data.
Dimorphite-DL adds hydrogen atoms to molecular representations, as appropriate for a user-specified pH range. It is a fast, accurate, accessible, and modular open-source program for enumerating sma…
𝛂Charges: A tool for the quick calculation of partial atomic charges for protein structures from AlphaFoldDB
MoleculeKit: Your favorite molecule manipulation kit
PPROpt is a Python application for the fast protein structure optimization.
OpenMM is a toolkit for molecular simulation using high performance GPU code.
The goal of FragmentSelector is selecting a fragment from a protein.
Návrhy propagačních materiálů bioinformatiky
OverProt creates an overview of secondary structure elements in protein families.
SecStrAnnotator is a software tool for annotation (naming) of secondary structure elements.