ГАОУ школа №548
(UTC +03:00) - https://t.me/dark5160
written in Python
Clear filter
Autonomous mobile robots (2WD, 4WD, Mecanum Drive)
🦕 nanosaur is a little robot, powered by ROS 2. Made for NVIDIA Jetson
ROS2 URDF description for Universal Robots
drfenixion / freecad.robotcad
Forked from galou/freecad.crossRobotCAD is a FreeCAD workbench to generate robot description packages for ROS2 (URDF) with launchers to Gazebo and RViz. Includes controllers based on ros2_controllers and sensors based on Gazebo.
Open-source mobile robot for educational purposes
dark516 / ros2_arduino_bridge
Forked from JamahaW/Serial-CmdROS2 Node for Communication with Arduino via Serial Port
ROS2 package for PI camera publishing in a compressed format
a simple ros2 node for saving all images from the ros topic