Best Light Weight UserBot For Telegram
- You Just Need to Fork This Repo and deploy it.
- Just install requirements.txt and make the .env file and it's ready for deployment.
Your Api Id and Hash, Get it From Here
Your String Session, Get it From Here
An Github Account. Make an Account On Github
News Api from Here (Optional)
An Telegram Account π.
- After Fork, clone this repository to you local machine using the following command
git cline
- Open the Cloned Folder and Create a new Virtual Environment.
# if virtual environment package not installed, install it using the following command
pip install virtualenv
# Create the virtual environment
virtualenv venv
- once Virtual Environment is created, you can activate it using the following command
- Once Activated install the requirements.txt using the following command
pip install -r requirements.txt
Once the requirements.txt is installed, You have to create .env file and add Some Values that Belongs to You
Create the .env file with the following values
STRING_SESSION="put you string session here generated from <a href="" target="_blank"></a>"
API_KEY= "put your telegram account api key here"
API_HASH="put you telegram account hash here"
NEWS_API="the news API"
- Once all the environment values have been set, it's time to runt the Bot with the following command
That's all, now use your UserBot.
Hope You don't get any error. If you get any error. Contact Us Here
We are open to any type of Contributions.
Provide clear message while making pull requests.
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