Welcome to Image-Editor, the AI-based photo editing website that lets you change backgrounds, colors, crop, sharpen images, and much more with just a single click. With exceptional image quality and fast processing times, Image-Editor is the ultimate tool for all your photo editing needs.
To get started, simply run pip install -r requirements.txt to download all the necessary libraries.
Image-Editor uses Python's cv2 library, which provides an easy and efficient way to work with images and videos, including a wide range of image processing and computer vision algorithms. With cv2, you can easily read, write, filter, and display images, and much more.
In addition, Image-Editor uses Mediapipe's selfie_segmentation model for background removal in real-time video streams. This advanced model uses deep neural networks to detect and remove the background, leaving only the person's face and any foreground objects.
I would like to invite you to try out Image-Editor and contribute to the project. Your feedback and bug reports are highly appreciated and will help me improve the platform.