(client) install create-react-app
(client) install materialize
(server) install express-generator
(server) install nodemon
(client) install lodash : debounce
(backend-server) sudo intstall python-jsonrpc : rpc server
(server) install jayson : rpc client
install MongoDB
(backend-server) install pymongo
(backend-server) install pika
(client) create client/src/Auth
(client) create client/src/Base
(client) create client/src/Login and client/src/SignUp
(client) install react-router@"<4.0.0" : version 4.0.0 has big change so that we use one version earlier
(client) we used configueration-styled router not component-styled router
(server) install cors
(server) install mongoose
(server) install bcrypt
(server) create schema and model for mongoose
(server) config mongoDB connection
(server) install passport
(server) install passport-local: a passport strategy
(server) install jsonwebtoken
(server) create passport local strategies for login and signup
(server) create auth-checker middleware to guard route on '/news'
(server) initialize passport and setup auth-checker in app.js
(server) create route middleware auth.js to handle logic of '/auth'
(py-utils) install requests
(py-utils) install redis
(news-pipline) create news monitor
(news-pipline) install newspaper
- sudo apt-get install python-dev
- sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev libxslt-dev -y
- sudo apt-get install libjpeg-dev zlib1g-dev libpng12-dev -y
- sudo pip install newspaper
- curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/codelucas/newspaper/master/download_corpora.py | python2.7
(news-pipline) create news scraper
(news-pipline) install NumPy, SciPy, scikit-learn, dateutil
(news-pipline) create news deduper
(backend-server) create rpc server util to handle pagination, modify NewsPanel.js @ client, news.js routes and rpc-client.js @ server to handle pagination.
(recommend-service) create recommend_service:
- (client) NewsCard.js listen to click, restful post to node server
- (server) add log transfer in news.js routes, call rpc-client logNewsClick
- (backend-server) rpc-server call rpc-server-util and send log rpc request to rabbitmq
- click log processor receive rabbitmq, handle time decay model by click
- create a new rpc server: recommend-server at port 5050
- create a new rpc client: recommend-client in py-util
- recommend-client expose service for other user to get a user's preference model
install jupyter via dockerfile
- sudo docker build . -t siyuanli/cs503_tensorflow_jupyter
- sudo docker login
- sudo docker push siyuanli/cs503_tensorflow_jupyter
run jupyter
- docker run -it --rm -p 8888:8888 siyuanli/cs503_tensorflow_jupyter
upload tensorflow.ipynb, go through the tutorial to learn tensorflow
create news classifier service
- install tensorflow and pandas
- create news cnn model to setup convolution steps, one hot word processing, loss function, training process
- create classifier trainer to setup vocabulary processor, estimator, fit, prediction and accuracy calculation
- import all news training and testing data in labeled_news.csv
expose the news classifier service as a rpc server
- create function to load trained model and vocabulary processor
- install watchdog to monitor cnn model change. working as a hot starter, meaning that once new training model updated, this watchdog could update the current loaded trained model and vocabulary processor correspondingly. Notice that once model and vocabulary processor are trained with new data, the state(information) in the classifier object and the vocab_processor object are still using the outdated state. Hence, manual update needed
create a classifier service rpc client in py_utils
update news_scraper with classifier function before store a new news into database
- To start either client or server by itself:
npm start
- In script section of client/package.json. Except
npm start
, all other command need to do it withrun
, for example:npm run build
to build the react project. - All python file or folder should be named in _ style but NOT - style. Since the import not work with -
Remember to check out all the TODO questions