Arduino Public
Forked from esp8266/ArduinoESP8266 core for Arduino
C++ GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 UpdatedMay 29, 2017 -
IRremoteESP8266 Public
Forked from crankyoldgit/IRremoteESP8266Infrared remote library for ESP8266: send and receive infrared signals with multiple protocols. Based on: https://github.com/shirriff/Arduino-IRremote/
C++ GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 UpdatedSep 24, 2015 -
Github_Tutorial Public
Forked from sparkfun/Github_TutorialA very basic and flawed piece of code to show how Github GUI works.
Arduino UpdatedAug 8, 2015 -
DHT-sensor-library Public
Forked from adafruit/DHT-sensor-libraryArduino library for DHT11DHT22, etc Temp & Humidity Sensors
C++ UpdatedJul 24, 2015 -
EmonLib Public
Forked from openenergymonitor/EmonLibElectricity monitoring library - install in Arduino IDE's libraries folder then restart the IDE
C++ UpdatedJul 22, 2015 -
esp8266_IRremote Public
Forked from sh4d0w12/esp8266_IRremoteIR library for esp8266 using sming framework
C++ UpdatedJun 6, 2015 -
nodemcu-devkit-v1.0 Public
Forked from nodemcu/nodemcu-devkit-v1.0Batchfile MIT License UpdatedMay 16, 2015