s3gopher is a light-weight S3 library using Go. It's built on top of Amazon's offical AWS SDK.
Found the official SDK to require a lot of boilerplate if you just want to read / write a single or few files from a S3 bucket or list its content.
- See AWS documentation for Region and ACL values.
- Listing is done in memory and not well suited for buckets with thousands or millions of files.
import "github.com/datajet-io/s3gopher"
func main() {
config := s3gopher.Config{
Bucket: "bucketname",
ACL: "public-read",
Region: "us-east-1",
Credentials: s3gopher.Credentials{AccessKey: "yourAccessKey", SecretAccessKey:"yourSecretAccessKey"},
bucket, err := s3gopher.New(config)
// Are my credentials valid?
err := bucket.Test()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printeln("Something bad happended when testing credentials.")
// List content of the bucket, show latest additions first
fileList, err := o.List()
// Get the first file from the bucket
o, err := bucket.Get(fileList[0].Key)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Something bad happended reading the data.")
// When was the file last modified?
// Output its []byte content
Do something with the file's data
// Write the file back to S3
err := bucket.Put(o)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Something bad happended when writing the data.")
// We're done
- Delete