A Django application that syncs one or more users Instagram posts to your project's database and media storage.
- Uses Instagram Basic Display API to fetch a users feed
- Button in Django Admin to authenticate user
- Supports multiple Instagram accounts
- Stores long-lived access code in database to allow on-going sync without user interaction (NB: This code is currently in proof-of-concept status. Before using in production, you will probably want to update this field to be encrypted or stored somewhere else that is encrypted)
- Management command for background sync with crontab (
./manage.py sync_instagram_posts
Instagram media is managed using Django admin console. Demo
NB. This screenshot is now out-of-date
NB. This repository is a fork and has not yet been merged (if it will ever) into the original project. Therefore the following install instructions will install the original version. If you want to use this fork, you will need to install from git.
poetry add django-instagram-profile
or using Pip
pip install django-instagram-profile
Dependencies will be installed automatically
Sorry, this step is a bit complicated!
Follow this guide.
If your app is intended for the general public to authenticate, then you will need to publish your app. Otherwise, you can get away with leaving your app in developer mode and adding your users as testers.
To add a test user:
- In the app admin, go Products > Basic Display > User Token Generator > Add or remove Instagram testers
- In the users Instagram account login, go Settings > Apps and Websites > Tester Invites. Then accept the invite.
# ...
# You will get these from your registered instagram app
'app_id': '123456789012345',
'secret': '1234567890123456789012345678901234',
'redirect_url': 'https://www.example.com/your-admin/instagram_profile/profile/authorized/',
# Account is now depreciated since multiple accounts can now be specified in the database
# If coming from an earlier version, leave this here as the migrations
# will configure existing posts for this account
'account': 'instagram_account_name'
# Optional: Override the default api settings (you probably won't need to do this)
'auth_url': 'https://api.instagram.com/oauth/authorize'
'access_token_url': 'https://api.instagram.com/oauth/access_token'
'media_url': 'https://graph.instagram.com'
OR if you prefer, create env.ini file inside your project directory with the following settings:
account = instagram_account_name
auth_url = https://api.instagram.com/oauth/authorize
access_token_url = https://api.instagram.com/oauth/access_token
app_id = 123
secret = abc
redirect_url = https://mysite.com/admin/instagram_profile/post/sync
media_url = https://graph.instagram.com
Run the database migrations
./manage.py migrate
Depending on your storage backend and current project you may need to configure media.
Your project probably already has this configured.
Create a folder for Instagram media
Configure correct paths for uploaded instagram media in settings.py
SITE_ROOT = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))))
MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(SITE_ROOT, 'media')
MEDIA_URL = '/media/'
Add media template context processor in the settings.py Also add template dir to the list of dirs
'DIRS': [os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'templates')],
'context_processors': [
'django.template.context_processors.media', # add this line
To serve media files during development need to add following lines to urls.py
if settings.DEBUG:
urlpatterns += static(settings.MEDIA_URL, document_root=settings.MEDIA_ROOT)
django-instagram-profile comes with some public views to show your instagram posts. Depending on your project needs you may or may not want to use them.
If you want to utilise these them add url to display instagram media feed in urls.py:
urlpatterns = [
# ...
path('instagram/', include('instagram_profile.urls')), # add this line
If you have not publicly published your app, you will first need to setup your instagram user as a test user as described above.
Add a new profile in the Django admin, only setting the username field. (Instagram Sync > Profiles > Add)
After clicking "Save & Continue Editing", click "Authorize" in the top right of the profile form (depending on your needs, this might need to be done by your Instagram user). This will redirect you/them to Instagram. Accept all permissions.
Once you are authorized, you can sync posts by:
- Clicking the "Sync" button on the Profile form. This will only sync this profile's posts.
- Clicking the "Sync" button on the list of posts. This will sync posts for all profiles.
Run this command. You'll probably want to set up a crontab (or similar) to run this regularly.
./manage.py sync_instagram_posts
The long-term access codes will be automatically renewed if they will expire within 30 days. So if this command is run more frequently than every 30 days, authentication should continue in-definitely.
You can interface with the Post
model however you like. We recommend the excellent django-imagekit library, which will allow you to resize and change these images for however you like in your own code.
- 1.0.0 (Not yet released) Multi-account, django.contrib.storage, background-sync, and much more
- 0.1.3 Use text field for instagram captions
- 0.1.1 Handling invalid auth code exception
- 0.1.0 Alpha version