is a free collection of 45+ carefully crafted tools useful for development. Stop pasting your code on various random websites, True Devtools centralizes all your go-to utilities in one convenient location.
The app is lightweight and run entirely on your client-side, ensures a seamless experience without compromising on security (no user data is stored). It also fully supports PWA, you can install it for offline usage.
- HTML Formatter
- HTML Minifier
- HTML Viewer
- HTML Entity Encoder / Decoder
- CSS Formatter
- CSS Minifier
- JavaScript Formatter
- JavaScript Minifier
- Regex Tester
- Text Diff Checker
- Word Counter
- Lorem Ipsum Generator
- Random String Generator
- Unicode to Hex Converter
- Hex to Unicode Converter
- Text Case Converter
- Backslash Escape / Unescape
- List Sorter / Randomizer
- Markdown Preview
- JSON Formatter
- JSON Minifier
- JSON to XML Converter
- XML to JSON Converter
- JSON to YAML Converter
- YAML to JSON Converter
- XML Formatter
- XML Minifier
- Base64 Encoder / Decoder
- Base64 Image Encoder / Decoder
- URL Encoder / Decoder
- URL Parser
- Digital Certificate Decoder
- Image Resizer
- JPEG / WEBP Compressor
- JPG to PNG Converter
- PNG to JPG Converter
- Image Format Converter
- Color Converter
- Number Base Converter
- UUID Generator
- Hash Generator
- JWT Decoder
- SQL Formatter
- Unix Timestamp Parser
- Cron Expression Parser