Built with Vanilla Javascript
BSale FrontEnd is a pure vanillajs application developed with the help of external libraries like FontAwesome and Swiper.
Since this project was not developed with a particular framework, npm install won't work.
The easiest way to deploy this project is with VisualStudioCode. Once installed go to extension section and search for LiveServer (Installation won´t be a problem, just go to the install button). After that you should open index.html file and with the right mouse click find "Open with Live Server" option in the dropdown menu. Your browser will open and you will be able to interact with the application.
By the moment, there are two possible ways to interact with the application. Go for the search button at the header section and type something. The application will sent a request to the backend system in order to find products with a name similar to what you wrote. The second interaction works with the category bar located at the beginning of "Available Products" section. Just press a category and the system will send a new request to get all products in that category.
- Author - Crazy Dave
- Website - https://thecrazydave.vercel.app
BSale FrontEnd is under MIT licensed.