Easymenu is a utility for Commodore 64 to display disk directory in a 2-up, multi-page display allowing the user to select a program with cursor keys or joystick(#2). It supports loading BASIC programs normally saved with low byte offset 1, and machine language programs saved at other offsets. The BASIC program will automatically be RUN, and the machine language program will start with a JMP to its initial address. If the program identifies as a cartridge with autostart, the system soft resets JMP ($FFFC) to activate the cartridge.
Easymenu resides at $C000-$C6FF temporarily using $C700 onward for directory listings on demand. If the program is not overwritten, the user may return using SYS 49152
Demo usage:
Mount easymenu.d64 disk
SYS 49152
Keyboard commands reference:
Home Go to top leftmost entry
Cursor Select file
Enter Load program
Joystick#2 Select file
Joy#2 fire Load program
F1 Background color cycle
F3 Foreground color cycle
F5 Border color cycle
Ctrl+F Write EASYMENU to current disk, with defaults
1-4 Show directory of device 8-11
Space Restart EASYMENU
Ctrl+C Exit
Source code is 6502 assembler targeting Commodore 64
Requires bin/win/acme.exe and bin/win/c1541.exe from Vice and revise build.sh to use more Vice executables for building and launching
Also see blog entry