This is a quick and dirty demonstration of how to create a timeline from a CSV file.
Sign-up for a Github account (above right)
Come back to here
Press the fork button (top right)
Add your data
4a) You can edit data.csv directly by pressing the pencil icon after you click data.csv in Github
4b) You can download the file and edit it in a spreadsheet application and then upload it as a new csv file using add file in github, if you do this you will need to edit js/load.js to point at your new csv file. Change the name of the file in the top two lines of load.js to your new file name, it is case sensitive! You MUST KEEP the same structure and column titles. You can add columns but these won't do much.
Save your new data by clicking commit changes
Browse to your timeline at http://{github-username} (where you put in your github username)