Super-simple thread-dump utility for watching JVM performance as you develop.
This is great if you're developing a Java webapp and want to see what's taking time. Thread-dumper takes a thread dump every second and splits it by blank lines to identify individual thread stacks. This isn't revolutionary, but is remarkably useful. When something in your webapp takes a while to respond, a few clicks gives you a remarkably clear view of what's slowing you down. Simple, effective.
You'll need "jstack" available on your path. This is a JVM tool.
mvn assembly:assembly
java -jar thread-dumper-1.0.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar <pid> [search terms]
Search terms:
If you provide no search terms, thread-dumper will print out a full thread dump every second. Thread-dumper will show any "blocks of text" - typically thread stacks - that contain the search terms you specify. If you need to suppress something, use -<search term>.
java -jar thread-dumper-1.0.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar 6884 +com.mypackage -com.mypackage.BackgroundProcessor
is equivalent to:
java -jar thread-dumper-1.0.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar 6884 com.mypackage -com.mypackage.BackgroundProcessor
I hope it's as useful for you as it is for me.
David Carboni