energypy is a framework for running reinforcement learning experiments on energy environments.
energypy is built and maintained by Adam Green - [email protected].
$ git clone
$ pip install --ignore-installed -r requirements.txt
$ python install
energy-py has a high level API to run a specific run of an experiment from a yaml
config file:
$ energypy-experiment energypy/examples/example_config.yaml battery
An example config file (energypy/examples/example_config.yaml
name: example
battery: &defaults
total_steps: 10000
env_id: battery
dataset: example
agent_id: random
Results (log files for each episode & experiment summaries) are placed into a folder in the users $HOME
. The progress of an experiment can be watched with TensorBoard by running a server looking at this results folder:
$ tensorboard --logdir='~/energy-py-results'
energypy provides the familiar gym style low-level API for agent and environment initialization and interactions:
import energypy
env = energypy.make_env(env_id='battery')
agent = energypy.make_agent(
observation = env.reset()
while not done:
action = agent.act(observation)
next_observation, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
training_info = agent.learn()
observation = next_observation
energy-py environments follow the design of OpenAI gym
. energy-py also wraps some classic gym
environments such as CartPole, Pendulum and MountainCar.
energy-py currently implements:
- naive agents
- DQN agent
- Battery storage environment
- Demand side flexibility environment
- Wrappers around the OpenAI gym CartPole, Pendulum and MountainCar environments