pytest-html is a plugin for py.test that generates a HTML report for the test results.
Mozilla is participating in the Outreachy program helping people from groups underrepresented in free and open source software to get involved. For the round running May 23 to August 23, 2016, there is a project to work on several enhancements to pytest-html.
You will need the following prerequisites in order to use pytest-html:
- Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, PyPy, or PyPy3
- py.test 2.7 or newer
To install pytest-html:
$ pip install pytest-html
Then run your tests with:
$ py.test --html=report.html
You can add change the Environment section of the report by modifying
from a fixture:
def _environment(request):
request.config._environment.append(('foo', 'bar'))
You can add details to the HTML reports by creating an 'extra' list on the
report object. The following example adds the various types of extras using a
hook, which can be implemented in a plugin or file:
import pytest
def pytest_runtest_makereport(item, call):
pytest_html = item.config.pluginmanager.getplugin('html')
outcome = yield
report = outcome.get_result()
extra = getattr(report, 'extra', [])
if report.when == 'call':
# always add url to report
xfail = hasattr(report, 'wasxfail')
if (report.skipped and xfail) or (report.failed and not xfail):
# only add additional html on failure
extra.append(pytest_html.extras.html('<div>Additional HTML</div>'))
report.extra = extra