This repository is a Demo project for Terraform using Localstack to simulate AWS. And use GNU Make
to automate the Terraform workflow.
The backend is configured to store tfstate in local S3 bucket and to store tfstate lock in local DynamoDB, both running in a Localstack docker container.
Follow the next steps to create initial configuration and test if everything is setup correctly.
To use this local setup you will need the following software available in your machine:
- docker
- docker-compose
- tfswitch
- terraform cli
- awscli
docker network create localstack
name: "localstack"
make up
make health
"services": {
"dynamodb": "running",
"dynamodbstreams": "running",
"kinesis": "running",
"lambda": "running",
"logs": "running",
"s3": "running",
"cloudwatch": "running"
"features": {
"persistence": "disabled",
"initScripts": "initialized"
# Run AWS CLI v2 docker container
> docker run --network localstack --rm -it amazon/aws-cli --endpoint-url=http://localstack:4566 <COMMAND>
# Add alias if use AWS CLI v2 from a docker container often
alias laws='docker run --network localstack -it -v ~/.aws:/root/.aws -e LOCALSTACK_HOSTNAME=localstack amazon/aws-cli --endpoint-url=http://localstack:4566'
# Add to ~/.zshrc or ~/.bashrc
> echo "alias laws='docker run --network localstack -it -v ~/.aws:/root/.aws -e LOCALSTACK_HOSTNAME=localstack amazon/aws-cli --endpoint-url=http://localstack:4566'" >> ~/.zshrc
> source ~/.zshrc
Create a configuration for AWS with dummy creadentials. The only important information to localstack is the region. Credentials validation is actually disabled.
aws configure
Or can create aws config files directly: ~/.aws/config
and ~/.aws/credentials
cat ~/.aws/config
cat ~/.aws/credentials-localstack
> laws lambda list-functions
"Functions": []
# Recommend to use tfswitch
# MacOS
> brew install warrensbox/tap/tfswitch
# Linux
> curl -L | bash
> tfswitch -l
Use the arrow keys to navigate: ↓ ↑ → ←
? Select Terraform version:
▸ 0.12.31 *recent
1.0.5 *recent
> terraform -v
Terraform v1.0.5
on linux_amd64
+ provider v3.55.0
make plan
make apply
> laws s3 ls
2021-09-05 10:23:23 terraform-state
> laws dynamodb list-tables
"TableNames": [