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Torchflows: normalizing flows in PyTorch

Torchflows is a library for generative modeling and density estimation using normalizing flows. It implements many normalizing flow architectures and their building blocks for:

  • Easy use of normalizing flows as trainable distributions.
  • Easy implementation of new normalizing flows.

Example use:

import torch
from torchflows.flows import Flow
from torchflows.architectures import RealNVP


n_data = 1000
n_dim = 3

x = torch.randn(n_data, n_dim)  # Generate some training data
bijection = RealNVP(n_dim)  # Create the bijection
flow = Flow(bijection)  # Create the normalizing flow  # Fit the normalizing flow to training data
log_prob = flow.log_prob(x)  # Compute the log probability of training data
x_new = flow.sample(50)  # Sample 50 new data points

print(log_prob.shape)  # (100,)
print(x_new.shape)  # (50, 3)

Check out examples and the documentation, including the list of supported architectures.


We support Python versions 3.7 and upwards.

Install Torchflows via pip:

pip install torchflows

Install Torchflows directly from Github:

pip install git+

Setup for development:

git clone
cd torchflows
pip install -r requirements.txt


If you use this code in your work, we kindly ask that you cite the accompanying paper:

Nabergoj and Štrumbelj: Empirical evaluation of normalizing flows in Markov Chain Monte Carlo, 2024. arxiv:2412.17136.

BibTex entry:

    author = {Nabergoj, David and \v{S}trumbelj, Erik},
    title = {Empirical evaluation of normalizing flows in {Markov} {Chain} {Monte} {Carlo}},
    publisher = {arXiv},
    month = dec,
    year = {2024},
    note = {arxiv:2412.17136}


We warmly welcome all contributions and comments. Please do not hesitate to submit issues and pull requests.

Some options to start contributing include:

  • Adding references to the documentation page for architecture presets.
  • Implementing new normalizing flow architectures (see the developer guide).
  • Adding more automated tests for numerical stability and optimization.
  • Adding docstrings to undocumented classes.