- Convert 2 pages (Home and Listings) plain HTML to React.
- Routing two pages with react-router-dom, so it does not have to reload the page to switch the page. It increases performance so much.
- Show car listings dynamically using mock data (actually, I planned to make mock service to get real JSON data, but doesn't have time because currently, I'm very busy in my office).
For development version
- Go to root directory (cyder-react-web-assessment)
- npm install
- npm start
- run http://localhost:3000 on browser
For production version
- Go to root directory (cyder-react-web-assessment)
- npm install
- npm run build
- npm install -g serve
- serve -s build
- run http://localhost:5000 on browser
At first, when I saw this code, I was a little confused because a lot of code doesn't need to be used. And that all must be refactored so that the code is readable, structured, maintainable, and of course for performance concern. Therefore, the first thing I did when doing this task was to the refactor the code even though the refactoring I did was still rough because of the minimum amount of time I had outside my office work.
Author: Fernando Karnagi [email protected] Modified by: David Ricardo [email protected]