This repo is a lab to play with Connection Monitor, part of Network Watcher.
It contains basically Azure Bicep code to provision following infrastructure:
In addition to this hub & spoke, on-premise & S2S VPN, Bicep code will create Azure Network Watcher in the target subscription and configure a Connection Monitor that will:
- Monitor connectivity between hubVM and spoke01 Azure VM on SSH protocol every 30 seconds.
- Monitor connectivity between hubVM and spoke02 Azure VM on SSH protocol every 30 seconds.
- Monitor connectivity between hubVM and onprem VM (using its private IP address instead of Azure Resource Id) on SSH protocol every 30 seconds.
- Monitor connectivity between spoke02VM Azure VM and public URL on HTTP protocol every 30 seconds.
- Deploy base infrastructure using CLI:
# Select subscription
az account set -s "....."
# Deploy infrastructure
az deployment sub create --template-file main.bicep --location centralindia
- Azure Portal - Navigate to Network Watcher => Connection Monitor:
- Azure Portal - Create a custom dashboard and pin tests groups metrics charts to this custom dahsboard.
- Enjoy!