To test Watcher, you can deploy it next to DevStack and run Watcher in a Docker environment. Watcher image containers integrate automatic provisioning scripts to simplify installation and configuration. You can install DevStack and Docker tools on the same machine.
You have to be familiar with Docker and its docker-compose orchestration tool.
If you need to install DevStack, you can refer to this page : DevStack - an OpenStack Community Production (We recommend using a minimal install of Ubuntu or Fedora server in a new VM)
$ git clone
$ cd devstack
$ git checkout stable/kilo
$ ./
Note: If you deploy DevStack on a NATed virtual machine, don't forget to udpate the DevStack default configuration by setting, in the file local.conf, the HOST_IP parameter with the IP address on you physical machine. for more information, go to DevStack Configuration.
To install Docker, you can refer to this page : Supported installation and choose your distribution.
On Ubuntu simply do:
$ sudo apt-get install curl $ curl -sSL | sh
To test your installation:
$ sudo docker run hello-world
To install Docker compose, you can refer to this page: Install Docker Compose:
$ curl -L\`uname -s\`-\`uname -m\` \> /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
$ chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
Containers orchestration templating is composed of 3 groups of containers, each group are independent:
SERVICE_DISCOVERY : containers providing an automatic service discovery tool, based on:
WATCHER : containers providing a basic OpenStack identity Service and the Watcher modules (including Horizon plugin):
- mariadb,
- rabbitmq,
- keystone,
- console,
- watcher-api,
- watcher-decision-engine,
- watcher-applier,
- horizon
METERING: containers providing a complete metering chain for Watcher:
- riemann,
- influxdb,
- nanoconfig-server,
- watcher-metering-publisher,
- watcher-metering-agent,
- grafana
Deploy the containers:
$ cd service-discovery
$ docker-compose up -d
Please see
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