I had some experience in using React in IE-8 that when rendering a component has children of a long array input, it leads to long script running alert
in the browser. So this react component mixin is to avoid the long script running alert
by chopping long array children into chunks, and render those children in an asynchornous way.
var arrayChunkRenderMixin = require('react-array-chunk-render');
var MyComponent = React.createClass({
mixins: [arrayChunkRenderMixin],
render: function() {
this.arrayChunkRender(this.props.data, {
// called on each item in the array
iterator: function(item) {
return React.createElement('li', {children: item});
// called when all children are processed
after: function(result) {
return React.createElement('ul', {children: result});
// called to set the placeholder dom node when in async process
loading: function() {
return React.createElement('span', {children: 'loading ...'});
return React.createElement('div', {children: this._vars.arrayChunkResult});