Tags: daydelight-com/flutter_inappwebview
Updated window.flutter_inappwebview.callHandler implementation: if th… …ere is an error/exception on Flutter/Dart side, the callHandler will reject the JavaScript promise with the error/exception message, so you can catch it also on JavaScript side, Fixed Android Web Storage Manager deleteAllData and deleteOrigin methods implementation, fix pichillilorenzo#1462, fix pichillilorenzo#1475
Updated code docs, Using Android WebViewClientCompat for Chromium-bas… …ed WebView if the WebView package major version is >= 73 (https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=925887), fix pichillilorenzo#1422
Updated code docs, Fixed some missing macOS asserts, fix pichillilore… …nzo#1447
Fixed InAppWebViewSettings automatic infer if initialSettings is null
Replaced Uri.encodeFull with Uri.encodeComponent to load html data co… …rrectly on Web platform
Removed Android Hybrid Composition constraint to use the pull-to-refr… …esh feature, Removed Android com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp dependency