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Auto configurations for Language Server for vim-lsp


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Auto configurations for Language Servers for vim-lsp.


Language Servers are not easy to install. Visual Studio Code provides easy ways to install and update Language Servers and Language Server Client. This plugin provides the same feature for Vim.


Using the vim-plug plugin manager:

Plug 'prabirshrestha/async.vim'
Plug 'prabirshrestha/vim-lsp'
Plug 'mattn/vim-lsp-settings'

You need to install both vim-lsp and its accompanying plugins and vim-lsp-settings.

If you want to use auto-completion, you can use one of the following.


Plug 'prabirshrestha/asyncomplete.vim'
Plug 'prabirshrestha/asyncomplete-lsp.vim'


Plug 'Shougo/deoplete.nvim'
Plug 'lighttiger2505/deoplete-vim-lsp'


If you use a plugin manager that merges plugins (for example dein), please turn of merging (for example with dein, merged = 0) or set g:lsp_settings_servers_dir option to a different directory from the vim-lsp's default.


vim-lsp-settings install Language Servers into:





If you define $XDG_DATA_HOME:


You can change the directory to install servers by set g:lsp_settings_servers_dir option in full path.


While editing a file with a supported filetype:


To uninstall server:

:LspUninstallServer server-name

Because there is no way to update a server, please run :LspInstallServer again, the newer version will be installed.

Supported Languages

Language Language Server Local Install
C/C++ clangd Yes
C# omnisharp Yes
Clojure clojure-lsp Yes
CSS vscode-css-languageserver-bin Yes
TypeScript typescript-language-server Yes
TypeScript eslint-language-server Yes
JavaScript typescript-language-server Yes
JavaScript javascript-typescript-stdio Yes
JavaScript eslint-language-server Yes
Python pyls Yes
Python pyls-ms (Microsoft Version) Yes
Rust rls No
Go gopls Yes
Go golangci-lint-langserver Yes
Ruby solargraph Yes
PHP intelephense Yes
Java eclipse-jdt-ls Yes
Lua emmylua-ls Yes
Vim vim-language-server Yes
Bash bash-language-server Yes
Terraform terraform-lsp Yes
Dockerfile dockerfile-language-server-nodejs Yes
YAML yaml-language-server Yes
XML lemminx Yes
Fortran fortls Yes
Scala Metals Yes
Elm elm-language-server Yes
JSON json-languageserver Yes
Swift sourcekit-lsp No
COBOL cobol-language-support Yes
Reason reason-language-server Yes
TeX texlab Yes
TeX digestif No
Nim nimls No
D dls No
Elixir elixir-ls Yes
Groovy groovy-language-server Yes
Dart analysis-server-dart-snapshot Yes
Erlang erlang-ls Yes
F# fsharp-language-server Yes
GraphQL gql-language-server Yes
Vue vue-language-server Yes
SQL sql-language-server Yes
Lisp cl-lsp No
Kotlin kotlin-language-server Yes
R languageserver No
SystemVerilog svls Yes
Apex/VisualForce apex-jorje-lsp Yes
* efm-langserver Yes


clangd (C/C++)

There is a Linux OS/version that does not run the locally installed clangd due to zlib version mismatch. If you want to use clangd, please install clangd on your system.

rls (Rust)

If you installed rls already, you can use rls without configurations. But if you have not installed rls yet, you can install it by following these instruction.

gql-language-server (GraphQL)

To use gql-language-server, the .gqlconfig has to be located on the top of project directory. The schema must be pointed to the schema file correctly.

  schema: {
    files: 'path/to/schema.graphql'

Finally, you have to install @playlyfe/gql into your project.

$ npm install @playlyfe/gql --save-dev

If you have a separate existing installation of the dart analysis server and want it to be used, it must either exist in your path, or you must specify its location. See 'Configurations' below.


Most of the configurations are not required.

If you installed clangd already, you can use clangd for C/C++ without any configuration. But if you installed clang with named clangd-6.0, you can replace executable like below:

let g:lsp_settings = {
\  'clangd': {'cmd': ['clangd-6.0']},
\  'efm-langserver': {'disabled': v:false}

Or put .vim-lsp-settings/settings.json in your project root directory.

  "clangd": {
    "cmd": ["clangd-6.0"]
  "efm-langserver": {
    "disabled": false

If you already have the dart analysis server installed but it is not in your path, you can still configure the settings to use it. Use the vimscript below to change the command to start the server. Note the command has three parts: the path to your 'dart' executable, the path to your 'analysis_server.dart.snapshot', and the '--lsp' flag.

let g:lsp_settings = {
    \ 'analysis_server.dart.snapshot': {
    \     'cmd': [
    \         '/path/to/your/dart-sdk/bin/dart',
    \         '/path/to/your/dart-sdk/bin/bin/snapshots/analysis_server.dart.snapshot',
    \         '--lsp'
    \     ],
    \ },
\ }

To edit the project local settings.json, do :LspSettingsLocalEdit.

Overridable keys are:

  • cmd (List ex: ['clangd-6.0', '-enable-snippets'])
  • initialization_options (Dictionary)
  • whitelist (List)
  • blacklist (List)
  • config (Dictionary)
  • workspace_config (Dictionary)
  • disabled (Boolean)
  • root_uri (String)
  • root_uri_patterns (List)
  • semantic_highlight (Dictionary)

If you installed ruby but not solargraph, you can install solargraph with the following command.

If you have some Language Servers and want to use specified the server:

let g:lsp_settings_filetype_perl = 'slp'
let g:lsp_settings_filetype_typescript = ['typescript-language-server', 'eslint-language-server']

When the servers are specified in a list, these will all be started.

If you want to configure Language Server to use flake8 rather than pycodestyle, the following can be added to your ~/.vimrc file.

let g:lsp_settings = {
\   'pyls': {
\     'workspace_config': {
\       'pyls': {
\         'configurationSources': ['flake8']
\       }
\     }
\   },

If you want to disable a Language Server:

let g:lsp_settings = {
\  'perl-languageserver': {
\    'disabled': 1,
\   }

When resolving the root directory for a language server, this plugin will look for directories containing special root markers defined in g:lsp_settings_root_markers.

By default, this is set to:

let g:lsp_settings_root_markers = [
\   '.git',
\   '.git/',
\   '.svn',
\   '.hg',
\   '.bzr'
\ ]

If you need to specify alternative root markers:

let g:lsp_settings_root_markers = ['.projections.json', '.git', '.git/']

This would look for a custom .projections.json, a git submodule .git or a git root .git/ starting from the current directory upwards.




Yasuhiro Matsumoto (a.k.a. mattn)


Auto configurations for Language Server for vim-lsp







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