This Docker image simply packages up the official concourse
binary and
configures it as the ENTRYPOINT
, with a bunch of sane defaults for Docker.
Configuration is done via CONCOURSE_*
environment variables. To discover
them, run --help
docker run concourse/concourse --help
docker run concourse/concourse web --help
docker run concourse/concourse worker --help
See the concourse
binary docs for
more information - the instructions and requirements are the same. For network
and hardware resources reference, see Deployment
There are two Docker Compose .yml
files in this repo. The first one,
, runs a more traditional multi-container cluster. You'll
need to run ./
before booting up, so that the containers know
how to authorize each other.
The docker-compose-quickstart.yml
file can be used to quickly get up and
running with the concourse quickstart
command. No keys need to be generated
in this case.
When running the Docker Compose .yml
files, you will need to make sure you configure the authorization environment variables. If you want to run the Concourse web node with no authroziation, make sure to set CONCOURSE_NO_REALLY_I_DONT_WANT_ANY_AUTH=true
Alternatively, these two Docker Run commands can be used to get concourse-quickstart
up and running with 2 containers. These command provide not only concourse
, but also a database instance for it to use.
docker network create concourse-net
docker run --name concourse-db \
--net=concourse-net \
-h concourse-postgres \
-p 5432:5432 \
-e POSTGRES_DB=atc \
-d postgres
docker run --name concourse \
-h concourse \
-p 8080:8080 \
--privileged \
--net=concourse-net \
concourse/concourse quickstart \
--basic-auth-username=<CONCOURSE USER> \
--basic-auth-password=<CONCOURSE PASSWORD> \
--postgres-user=<PG USER> \
--postgres-password=<PG PASSWORD> \
--postgres-host=concourse-db \
At the moment, workers running via Docker will not automatically leave the
cluster gracefully on shutdown. This means you'll have to run fly prune-worker
to reap them.
This will be resolved with concourse/concourse #1457.