Automated provisioning of kubernetes based off
Why do this when Google Compute already provides this service? Mostly to learn a bit more about GCE, Kubernetes components and bootstrap that would be necassery in other enviro's like AWS.
- GCE Network, Firewall rules, Instance pool etc..
- 3 x ETCD nodes in seperate AZ's - g1-small machine
- 3 x Controller/API nodes - g1-small
- 2 x Worker nodes (due to free account instance limit of 8) n1-standard-1
- Terraform v7rc1 >
- Google Cloud SDK: gcloud, gsutil
- Functioning kubectl for your OS
- Ansible v2.0 >
- Fully functioning service account creds
- Unix tools: sed, wget
- cfssl, cfssljson
- Put google service creds in folder as account.json
- Make sure you are logged into gcloud
- You have an ssh key generated called "google_compute_1" in your ssh folder
- Make sure that key has been added to your project metadata
###Do the follwing in the root of the folder:
All os's:
mkdir creds
Edit terraform/ and terraform-routes/
variable "project" {
type = "string"
default = "<YOUR PROJECT ID>"
To teardown and cleanup OSX/Linux:
All ansible roles are tagged so they can be run individually.
To display status of all running kube and etcd services, run this in the root of the folder:
export ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=False && ansible-playbook -i gcehosts site.yml --private-key ~/.ssh/google_compute_1 --tags debug
Wrapper scriptBetter SSL cert generationMD5 hash check on certs to reduce provisioning time.Better Anisible module seperation i.e move ssl to own role- Remove debug output
Update linux setup scriptNot tested yet- Code Tidy
Terraform state in GCS- Better exposed variables