- San Francisco
A fortune file for managers thats highly actionable, from @keavy's medium article
An api of endpoints to build charts from WebPagetest results
A Rails engine including models and data for italian regions, provinces and comunes.
Fabric-based framework for deploying and managing SolrCloud clusters in the cloud.
Git hook to convert your TODOs into Github issues
Thoth API is the module that is providing an abstraction of the data contined on the Thoth Index.
Thoth Dashboard is the module that is responsible of visualizing data contained in Thoth
Distributed log replay to stress-test an Apache Solr server with real-world traffic
A getting started guide for diy-client.
[UNMAINTAINED] Creates keyboard mappings on Mac OS X for emoji names to emoji characters.
a ruby wrapper for google apps provisioning api
JavaScript library for reading EXIF image metadata
Use OS X Text Substitution Preferences in your *nix pipeline
A lightweight, cross browser library for adding IDE style behaviors to plain text areas
Node.js client for the (unofficial) Jawbone UP API
Rails gem for handling keyboard shortcuts via mousetrap javascript library
📇 All of the emoji supported on GitHub pull requests, issues, comments, commit messages, markdown files, etc.
Remote network and data debugging for your native iOS app using Chrome Developer Tools
The exceptionally handsome dashboard framework in Ruby and Coffeescript.
Ruby on Rails helpers for HTML, CSS, and JS toolkit from Twitter
A Plone page that can contain portlets
Marker Clustering plugin for Leaflet