Parses XML files in specified or working directory. Groups on defined set of div types and return counts of div tags by type, note tags by parent div tag types, instanced note tags by parents div tag types.
-s --Source
source directory in which the XML files are located
If no source argument is specified, the script will look in the directory where it is located for XML files
-f --Filename
output filename (CSV file)
If no filename argument is specified, the script has a default filename
<div type="section">
<div type="article">
<div type="article">
Total Counts
TotalDivCount | TotalNoteCount |
3 | 3 |
Total <div>
Counts by Type
DivsOfType_Section | DivsOfType_Article |
1 | 2 |
Total <note>
Counts by Parent Div Type
NotesInDivOfType_Section | NotesInDivOfType_Article |
3 | 3 |
Total <note>
Counts by Parent Div Type and Instance
NotesInDivOfTypeAndInstance_Section_1 | NotesInDivOfTypeAndInstance_Article_1 | NotesInDivOfTypeAndInstance_Article_2 |
3 | 2 | 1 |