Universidad de Chile
- www.linkedin.com/in/diego-campanini-garcía-a41801b5
xgboost_forecasting Public
Code for time series forecasting using XGBoost library
Python UpdatedAug 6, 2023 -
xgboost_classification Public
Code for classify using XGBoost library
MIT License UpdatedJun 27, 2021 -
cloudml-samples Public
Forked from GoogleCloudPlatform/cloudml-samplesCloud ML Engine is now a part of AI Platform
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 30, 2021 -
Detection of Supermarket Shelves
Thesis-object-detection Public
Thesis about object detection using Faster RCNN, SVM and Random Forest
1 UpdatedApr 16, 2021 -
tf2_gpu Public
Install CUDA 10 to work with Tensorflow >= 1.13.0 on Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04
2 UpdatedAug 25, 2020 -
Assignments Systems Programming University of Chile
C UpdatedAug 2, 2020 -
Introduction-to-Programming-uchile Public template
Code of cc1002 Introduction to Programming uchile
Depth-LIB-Android- Public
Forked from danielzeller/Depth-LIB-Android-A library that gives depth to Views.
Java MIT License UpdatedMay 23, 2016 -
py-faster-rcnn Public
Forked from rbgirshick/py-faster-rcnnFaster R-CNN (Python implementation) -- see https://github.com/ShaoqingRen/faster_rcnn for the official MATLAB version
caffe-fast-rcnn Public
Forked from rbgirshick/caffe-fast-rcnnCaffe fork that supports Fast R-CNN
C++ Other UpdatedMay 13, 2016 -
edges Public
Forked from pdollar/edgesStructured Edge Detection Toolbox
MATLAB Other UpdatedMay 13, 2016 -
Objectness Public
Forked from torrvision/ObjectnessBING Objectness proposal estimator linux/mac/windows version implementation, runs at 1000 FPS. More in http://mmcheng.net/bing/
C++ BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedJan 28, 2016 -
laser_line_extraction Public
Forked from kam3k/laser_line_extractionA ROS packages that extracts line segments from LaserScan messages.
C++ BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedJan 18, 2016 -
selective_search_py Public
Forked from belltailjp/selective_search_pyPython-based implementation of the Selective Search for Object Recognition.
Python MIT License UpdatedAug 31, 2015