- Chicago, IL, USA
- Pro
dchelimsky / objectify
Forked from gilesbowkett/objectifyObjects on rails. ZOMG.
Deprecatable is a library to help you, as a developer, deprecate your API and be proactive about helping people who use your library find where they need to update.
Extends an ActiveRecord model so that it can read from a view, and save to a table.
dchelimsky / neography
Forked from maxdemarzi/neographyA thin Ruby wrapper to the Neo4j Rest API
dchelimsky / ammeter
Forked from alexrothenberg/ammeterA gem that allows for you to write specs for your Rails 3 generators
dchelimsky / activerecord-sqlserver-adapter
Forked from rails-sqlserver/activerecord-sqlserver-adapterSQL Server Adapter For Rails
Deprecatable is a library to help you, as a developer, deprecate your API and be proactive about helping people who use your library find where they need to update.
VIM plugin to sweeten running Rspec tests from within VIM.
VIM plugin to sweeten running Rspec tests from within VIM.
dchelimsky / spork
Forked from sporkrb/sporkA DRb server for testing frameworks (RSpec / Cucumber currently) that forks before each run to ensure a clean testing state.
A gem that allows for you to write specs for your Rails 3 generators
dchelimsky / capybara
Forked from teamcapybara/capybarawebrat alternative which aims to support all browser simulators
dchelimsky / rspec-given
Forked from jimweirich/rspec-givenGiven/When/Then keywords for RSpec 2 specifications
Given/When/Then keywords for RSpec Specifications
Test app proving a failing spec with will paginate collection
dchelimsky / relish
Forked from cucumber-ltd/relish-gemClient gem for http://relishapp.com
dchelimsky / cdc-git-utils
Forked from delitescere/cdc-git-utilsUtilities for managing Consumer-Driven Contracts using git
Utilities for managing Consumer-Driven Contracts using git
dchelimsky / github-gem
Forked from defunkt/github-gemThe official `github` command line helper for simplifying your GitHub experience.
dchelimsky / cucumber-rails
Forked from cucumber/cucumber-railsRails Generators for Cucumber with localized steps for Capybara and Webrat
RSpec 2 matchers, helpers and utils for writing generator specs
dchelimsky / shoulda
Forked from thoughtbot/shouldaMakes tests easy on the fingers and the eyes
Modifies default_scope to merge conditions in successive calls. Also adds clear_default_scope method. Co-authored with Brian Tatnall. This has been merged into rails-3 (not released yet).