electron-react-boilerplate Public template
Forked from electron-react-boilerplate/electron-react-boilerplateA Foundation for Scalable Cross-Platform Apps
friendly-frame Public
Forked from dabbott/friendly-frameCommunicate between iFrames
A tool for defining design systems and using them to generate cross-platform UI code, Sketch files, images, and other artifacts.
SmartThingsPublic Public
Forked from SmartThingsCommunity/SmartThingsPublicSmartThings open-source DeviceTypeHandlers and SmartApps code
react-sketchapp Public
Forked from airbnb/react-sketchapprender React components to Sketch ⚛️💎
deco-ide Public
Forked from decosoftware/deco-ideThe React Native IDE
react-native Public
Forked from facebook/react-nativeA framework for building native apps with React.
jsPlumb Public
Forked from jsplumb/jsplumbVisual connectivity for webapps
react-dag-app Public
Forked from ajainarayanan/react-dag-appThis is a sample app for demoing the use of react-dag component.
electron.atom.io Public
Forked from electron/electronjs.org-oldElectron website
awesome-react-native Public
Forked from jondot/awesome-react-nativeAn "awesome" type curated list of React Native components, news, tools, and learning material
node-parse-api Public
Forked from Leveton/node-parse-apiAPI for parse.com in node.js
react-hotkeys Public
Forked from greena13/react-hotkeysDeclarative hotkey and focus area management for React
path Public
Forked from jinder/pathNodeJS 'path' module
react-scrollview Public
Forked from dabbott/react-scrollviewReact ScrollView for web and mobile web, API-compatible with react-native - http://dabbott.github.io/react-scrollview
mongo-sync Public
Forked from olegp/mongo-syncSynchronous MongoDB driver for Common Node
connect-fs Public
Forked from tnantoka/connect-fsFileSystem session store for Connect and Express
socketio-jwt Public
Forked from nvdnkpr/socketio-jwtAuthenticate socket.io incoming connections with JWTs
Color-Picker-Pro Public
Forked from oscardelben/Color-Picker-ProColor Detection Tool for Designers and Developers
mongo-ruby-driver Public
Forked from mongodb/mongo-ruby-driverRuby driver for MongoDB
dotcloud-watch Public
Pushes to DotCloud automatically when anything in current directory changes.
3 UpdatedJun 30, 2011 -
refinerycms Public
Forked from refinery/refinerycmsA Ruby on Rails CMS that supports Rails 3
taps Public
Forked from ricardochimal/tapssimple database import/export app
agent-plugins Public
Forked from cloudkick/agent-pluginsA collection of custom plugins for the Cloudkick agent