A collection of my personal dotfiles and configurations for a customized Arch Linux setup. This repository includes configurations for various applications and tools, all designed to create a cohesive, minimalistic aesthetic with functional enhancements for daily use.
This repository includes the following configurations:
betterlockscreen/: Configuration for Betterlockscreen, used for managing and customizing the lock screen on my system.
cava/: CAVA (Console-based Audio Visualizer for ALSA) configuration for a visual representation of audio activity in the terminal.
cyber-asian.png: Background or wallpaper image used across the setup to maintain a unified aesthetic.
dunst/: Configuration files for Dunst, a lightweight and customizable notification daemon.
flavours/: Theme and color scheme configurations managed by Flavours, providing consistent colors across applications.
i3/: Configuration for i3 window manager, handling tiling and workspace organization for efficient multitasking.
kitty/: Settings for the Kitty terminal emulator, with custom fonts, colors, and keybindings.
picom.conf: Configuration for Picom, a compositor for X11 to add window transparency, shadows, and other visual effects.
polybar/: Configuration for Polybar, a customizable status bar, displaying system information, notifications, and more.
rofi/: Config files for Rofi, a window switcher, application launcher, and dmenu replacement.
spicetify/: Customizations for Spicetify, allowing theme and layout modifications to the Spotify client.
License Feel free to use and modify these configurations to suit your needs.