The following code snippets may be executed in a Microsoft Fabric notebook. These scripts primarily leverage the semantic-link (a.k.a. SemPy) library.
This repo is intended to help business intelligence analysts/developers and data scientists become more familiar with notebooks (and therefore Python) in Microsoft Fabric and the potential benefits of using the Semantic Link library.
Semantic-link library version 0.7.2 or higher
Load the Semantic-Link library inside of your notebook
%pip install semantic-link
An even better way to ensure the Semantic-link library is available in your workspace/notebooks is to load it as a library in a custom Fabric environment. If you do this, you will not have to run the above '%pip install semantic-link' code every time in your notebook. Please follow the steps below to create an environment and load the Semantic-Link library.
- Navigate to your Fabric workspace
- Click 'New' -> More options
- Within 'Data Science', click 'Environment'
- Name your environment, click 'Create'
- Within 'Public Libraries', click 'Add from PyPI'
- Enter 'Semantic-link' in the text box under 'Library'
- Click 'Save' at the top right of the screen
- Click 'Publish' at the top right of the screen
- Click 'Publish All'
Update your notebook to use the new environment (must wait for the environment to finish publishing)
- Navigate to your Notebook
- Select your newly created environment within the 'Environment' drop down in the navigation bar at the top of the notebook
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import pyspark
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
import pyarrow.dataset as ds
import pyarrow.parquet as pq
import os
from delta.tables import DeltaTable
from powerbiclient import Report
import sempy
import sempy.fabric
import inspect
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
all_members = inspect.getmembers(fabric) #Enter the library alias
for name, member in all_members:
if inspect.isfunction(member):
import inspect
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
functions = inspect.getmembers(fabric,inspect.isfunction) #Enter the library alias
for name, func in functions:
signature = inspect.signature(func)
parameters = list(signature.parameters.keys())
print(f"{name} : {parameters}\n")
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
help(fabric.list_datasets) #Replace 'list_datasets' within any function shown in dir(sempy.fabric) output
import pkg_resources
library_name = 'semantic-link' #Enter the name of the library
version = pkg_resources.get_distribution(library_name).version
import requests
library_name = 'semantic-link' #Enter the name of the library
url = f"{library_name}/json"
response = requests.get(url)
data = response.json()
latest_version = data["info"]["version"]
print(f"The latest version of '{library_name}' is: {latest_version}")
import pkg_resources
import requests
library_name = 'semantic-link' #Enter the name of the library
version = pkg_resources.get_distribution(library_name).version
url = f"{library_name}/json"
response = requests.get(url)
data = response.json()
latest_version = data["info"]["version"]
if version == latest_version:
print(f"You have the latest version of '{library_name}' installed.")
print(f"A new version '{latest_version}' of the '{library_name}' library is available.")
import pkg_resources
import pandas as pd
installed_packages = [pkg.key for pkg in pkg_resources.working_set]
title = 'Installed Packages'
df = pd.DataFrame({title: installed_packages})
Refresh the TOM cache. If the semantic model has been updated during your notebook session, run this script to ensure you get the latest model metadata.
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
x = fabric.list_capacities()
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
x = fabric.get_artifact_id()
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
x = fabric.get_lakehouse_id()
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
import pandas as pd
def get_sql_endpoint(workspaceName = None, lakehouseName = None):
if workspaceName == None:
workspaceID = fabric.get_workspace_id()
workspaceID = fabric.resolve_workspace_id(workspaceName)
if lakehouseName == None:
lakehouseID = fabric.get_lakehouse_id()
dfItems = fabric.list_items()
dfItems = dfItems[dfItems['Display Name'] == lakehouseName and dfItems['Type'] == 'Lakehouse']
lakehouseID = dfItems['Id'].iloc[0]
workspaceID = fabric.get_workspace_id()
lakehouseID = fabric.get_lakehouse_id()
client = fabric.FabricRestClient()
response = client.get(f"/v1/workspaces/{workspaceID}/lakehouses/{lakehouseID}")
responseJson = response.json()
sqlEndpoint = responseJson['properties']['sqlEndpointProperties']['connectionString']
return sqlEndpoint
Show a list of the tables in your lakehouse using the List Tables API
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
import pandas as pd
import json
def get_lakehouse_tables(workspaceId = None, lakehouseId = None):
if workspaceId == None:
workspaceId = fabric.get_workspace_id()
if lakehouseId == None:
lakehouseId = fabric.get_lakehouse_id()
client = fabric.FabricRestClient()
wName = fabric.resolve_workspace_name(workspaceId)
response = client.get(f"/v1/workspaces/{workspaceId}/lakehouses/{lakehouseId}/tables")
tableList = response.json()['data']
dfItems = fabric.list_items()
dfItems = dfItems[dfItems['Id'] == lakehouseId]
lakehouseName = dfItems['Display Name'].iloc[0]
df = pd.DataFrame({'Workspace Name': [], 'Lakehouse Name': [], 'Table Name': [], 'Type': [], 'Location': [], 'Format': []})
for t in tableList:
tName = t['name']
tType = t['type']
tLocation = t['location']
tFormat = t['format']
new_data = {'Workspace Name': wName, 'Lakehouse Name': lakehouseName, 'Table Name': tName, 'Type': tType, 'Location': tLocation, 'Format': tFormat}
df = pd.concat([df, pd.DataFrame(new_data, index=[0])], ignore_index=True)
return df
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
import pandas as pd
import os
def load_table(tablename, source, mode = None, workspaceId = None, lakehouseId = None):
#Mode values: Overwrite; Append
if workspaceId == None:
workspaceId = fabric.get_workspace_id()
if lakehouseId == None:
lakehouseId = fabric.get_lakehouse_id()
if mode == None:
mode = 'Overwrite'
if not mode in ['Overwrite', 'Append']:
return print("Invalid Mode value. Mode must be either 'Overwrite' or 'Append'.")
payload = None
file_extension = os.path.splitext(source)[1]
if file_extension == '.csv':
payload = {
"relativePath": source,
"pathType": "File",
"mode": mode,
"formatOptions": {
"format": "Csv",
"header": "true",
"delimiter": ","
elif file_extension == '.parquet':
payload = {
"relativePath": source,
"pathType": "File",
"mode": mode,
"formatOptions": {
"format": "Parquet",
"header": "true"
return print("Invalid file extension. Only .csv and .parquet are supported.")
client = fabric.FabricRestClient()
response ="/v1/workspaces/{workspaceId}/lakehouses/{lakehouseId}/tables/{tableName}/load",json= payload)
return response
tablename = 'TestFile' #Enter the name of the table to be created
,source = 'Files/Folder/Myfilename.parquet' #Enter the file path of your Parquet file
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
x = fabric.list_items()
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
x = fabric.list_workspaces().sort_values(by='Name', ascending=True)
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
workspaceName = '' #Enter the workspace name to be used as a filter
x = fabric.list_workspaces()
filter_condition = [workspaceName]
x = x[x['Name'].isin(filter_condition)]
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
workspaceName = '' #Enter the workspace name to be used as a filter
x = fabric.list_workspaces()
filter_condition = [workspaceName]
x = x[x['Name'].isin(filter_condition)]
y = x["Id"].iloc[0]
z = fabric.resolve_workspace_name(y)
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
import pandas as pd
dfC = fabric.list_capacities()
dfW = fabric.list_workspaces().sort_values(by='Name', ascending=True)
dfC.rename(columns={'Id': 'Capacity Id'}, inplace=True)
dfC['Capacity Id'] = dfC['Capacity Id'].str.upper()
x = pd.merge(dfW, dfC[['Capacity Id', 'Sku', 'Region', 'State']], on='Capacity Id', how='inner')
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
x = '' #Enter the workspace name
id = fabric.resolve_workspace_id(x)
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
id = '' #Enter the workspace ID
x = fabric.resolve_workspace_name(id)
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
x = fabric.get_workspace_id()
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
x = fabric.list_apps()
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
x = fabric.list_gateways()
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
x = fabric.list_reports()
- First run this code to create the report_rebind function.
reportName = '' #Enter the report name
datasetName = '' #Enter the dataset name
for item in report_list:
report_rebind(reportName, datasetName)
- First run this code to create the report_rebind function.
report_list = ['', '', '', '', ''] #Enter your list of reports
datasetName = '' #Enter the dataset name
for item in report_list:
report_rebind(item, datasetName)
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
from powerbiclient import Report
def launch_report(reportName):
dfR = fabric.list_reports()
filtered_df = dfR[(dfR['Name'] == reportName)]
report_id = filtered_df['Id'].iloc[0]
report = Report(group_id=None, report_id=report_id)
return report
launch_report('') #Enter report name
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
import json
import pandas as pd
def list_dashboards(workspaceName=None):
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Dashboard ID', 'Dashboard Name', 'Read Only', 'Web URL', 'Embed URL', 'Data Classification'])
if workspaceName == 'None':
groupId = fabric.get_workspace_id()
groupId = fabric.resolve_workspace_id(workspaceName)
client = fabric.PowerBIRestClient()
response = client.get(f"/v1.0/myorg/groups/{groupId}/dashboards")
responseJson = response.json()
for v in responseJson['value']:
dashboardID = v['id']
displayName = v['displayName']
isReadOnly = v['isReadOnly']
webURL = v['webUrl']
embedURL = v['embedUrl']
dataClass = v['dataClassification']
new_data = {'Dashboard ID': dashboardID, 'Dashboard Name': displayName, 'Read Only': isReadOnly, 'Web URL': webURL, 'Embed URL': embedURL, 'Data Classification': dataClass}
df = pd.concat([df, pd.DataFrame(new_data, index=[0])], ignore_index=True)
df['Read Only'] = df['Read Only'].astype(bool)
return df
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
x = fabric.list_datasets()
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
x = fabric.list_datasets(additional_xmla_properties=['Model.DefaultMode', 'Model.DirectLakeBehavior', 'CompatibilityLevel'])
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
datasetName = '' #Enter your dataset name
x = fabric.list_datasets()
x = x[x['Dataset Name'] == datasetName]
datasetID = x["Dataset ID"].values[0]
Shows the TMSL for a given dataset
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
datasetName = '' #Enter your dataset name
workspaceName = '' #Enter your workspace name
x = fabric.get_tmsl(datasetName, workspaceName)
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
datasetName = '' #Enter dataset name
x = fabric.list_datasources(datasetName)
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
datasetName = '' #Enter dataset name
x = fabric.list_tables(datasetName)
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
datasetName = '' #Enter dataset name
x = fabric.list_columns(datasetName)
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
datasetName = '' #Enter dataset name
x = fabric.list_partitions(datasetName)
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
import pandas as pd
datasetName = '' #Enter dataset name
x = fabric.list_partitions(datasetName)
def format_sql_query(value):
return value.replace('\n', '<br>').replace('\t', ' ')
x_styled ={'Query': format_sql_query})
List the tables of a Direct Lake semantic model and show the lakehouse table from which it derives ('Query')
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
datasetName = '' #Enter dataset name
dfP = fabric.list_partitions(datasetName)
dfP_filtered = dfP[dfP['Mode'] == 'DirectLake'][['Table Name', 'Query']]
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
datasetName = '' #Enter dataset name
x = fabric.list_measures(datasetName)
List the measures within a given dataset (semantic model) and properly format the Measure Expression column
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
datasetName = '' #Enter dataset name
x = fabric.list_measures(datasetName)
def format_sql_query(value):
return value.replace('\n', '<br>').replace('\t', ' ')
x_styled ={'Measure Expression': format_sql_query})
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
datasetName = '' #Enter dataset name
x = fabric.list_hierarchies(datasetName)
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
datasetName = '' #Enter dataset name
x = fabric.list_relationships(datasetName)
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
datasetName = '' #Enter dataset name
relationships = fabric.list_relationships(datasetName)
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
datasetName = '' #Enter dataset name
x = fabric.get_roles(datasetName)
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
datasetName = '' #Enter dataset name
x = fabric.get_roles(dataset = datasetName, include_members = True)
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
datasetName = '' #Enter dataset name
x = fabric.get_row_level_security_permissions(datasetName)
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
datasetName = '' #Enter dataset name
x = fabric.list_calculation_items(datasetName)
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
datasetName = '' #Enter dataset name
x = fabric.list_perspectives(datasetName)
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
datasetName = '' #Enter dataset name
x = fabric.list_translations(datasetName)
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
datasetName = '' #Enter dataset name
x = fabric.list_expressions(datasetName)
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
datasetName = '' #Enter dataset name
x = fabric.list_annotations(datasetName)
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
def create_blank_semantic_model(datasetName, compatibilityLevel = 1604, workspaceName = None):
if workspaceName == None:
workspaceId = fabric.get_workspace_id()
workspaceName = fabric.resolve_workspace_name(workspaceId)
tmsl = f'''
"createOrReplace": {{
"object": {{
"database": '{datasetName}'
"database": {{
"name": '{datasetName}',
"compatibilityLevel": {compatibilityLevel},
"model": {{
"culture": "en-US",
"defaultPowerBIDataSourceVersion": "powerBI_V3"
return fabric.execute_tmsl(script = tmsl, workspace = workspaceName)
create_blank_semantic_model('') #Enter semantic model name to be created
Valid options for refresh_type: 'full', 'automatic', 'dataOnly', 'calculate', 'clearValues', 'defragment'. Default is 'automatic'.
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
datasetName = '' #Enter dataset name
fabric.refresh_dataset(dataset = datasetName, refresh_type = 'full')
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
datasetName = '' #Enter dataset name
my_objects = [
{"table": "tableName1"}, #Update 'tableName1' with your table name
{"table": "tableName2"} #Update 'tableName2' with your table name
fabric.refresh_dataset(dataset = datasetName, refresh_type = 'full', objects = my_objects)
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
datasetName = '' #Enter dataset name
my_objects = [
{"table": "table1", "partition": "partition1"}, #Update 'table1' with your table name and 'partition1' with the partition name
{"table": "table1", "partition": "partition2"} #Update 'table1' with your table name and 'partition2' with the partition name
fabric.refresh_dataset(dataset = datasetName, refresh_type = 'full', objects = my_objects)
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
datasetName = '' #Enter dataset name
my_objects = [
{"table": "table1"}, #Update 'table1' with your table name
{"table": "table2", "partition": "partition2"} #Update 'table2' with your table name and 'partition2' with the partition name
fabric.refresh_dataset(dataset = datasetName, refresh_type = 'full', objects = my_objects)
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
datasetName = '' #Enter dataset name
x = fabric.list_refresh_requests(datasetName)
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
datasetName = '' #Enter dataset name
tableName = '' #Enter table name
rowLimit = 100
x = fabric.read_table(datasetName,tableName,False,rowLimit)
Connect to the Tabular Object Model (TOM); prints each table name
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
workspaceName = '' #Enter workspace name
datasetName = '' #Enter dataset name
tom_server = fabric.create_tom_server(readonly=True, workspace=workspaceName)
m = tom_server.Databases.GetByName(datasetName).Model
for t in m.Tables:
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
import Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Tabular as TOM
def create_measure(datasetName, tableName, measureName, measureExpression, workspaceName = None):
if workspaceName == None:
workspaceID = fabric.get_workspace_id()
workspaceName = fabric.resolve_workspace_name(workspaceID)
dfM = fabric.list_measures(dataset = datasetName, workspace = workspaceName)
mExists = any(r['Measure Name'] == measureName for i, r in dfM.iterrows())
if mExists:
print(f"The '{measureName}' measure already exists in the '{datasetName}' semantic model within the '{workspaceName}' workspace.")
dfT = fabric.list_tables(dataset = datasetName, workspace = workspaceName)
if not any(r['Name'] == tableName for i, r in dfT.iterrows()):
print(f"The '{tableName}' table does not exist in the '{datasetName}' semantic model within the '{workspaceName}' workspace.")
tom_server = fabric.create_tom_server(readonly=False, workspace=workspaceName)
m = tom_server.Databases.GetByName(datasetName).Model
measure = TOM.Measure()
measure.Name = measureName
measure.Expression = measureExpression
print(f"The '{measureName}' measure has been added to the '{tableName}' table in the '{datasetName} semantic model within the '{workspaceName}' workspace.")
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
from sempy.fabric._cache import _get_or_create_workspace_client
from sempy.fabric._client._connection_mode import ConnectionMode
import Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Tabular as TOM
workspaceName = '' #Enter workspace name
datasetName = '' #Enter dataset name
tom_server = _get_or_create_workspace_client(workspaceName).get_dataset_client(datasetName, ConnectionMode.XMLA)._get_connected_dataset_server(readonly=False)
mName = '' #Enter measure name
mExpr = '' #Enter DAX expression
measure = TOM.Measure()
measure.Name = mName
measure.Expression = mExpr
for d in tom_server.Databases:
if d.Name == datasetName:
print(f"Updating {d.Name}...")
m = d.Model
for t in m.Tables:
for ms in t.Measures:
if ms.Name == mName:
ms.Expression = mExpr
print(f"The DAX expression for '{mName}' has been updated.")
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
from sempy.fabric._client import DatasetXmlaClient
from sempy.fabric._cache import _get_or_create_workspace_client
workspaceName = '' #Enter workspace name
datasetName = '' #Enter dataset name
tom_server = _get_or_create_workspace_client(workspaceName)._create_tom_server(False)
for d in tom_server.Databases:
if d.Name == datasetName:
m = d.Model
for t in m.Tables:
for ms in t.Measures:
print(ms.Name + ' : ' + ms.Expression)
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
datasetName = '' #Enter dataset name
x = fabric.evaluate_dax(
"Header Name",[Measure Name] // update with actual measure name
Run Dynamic Management Views (DMVs) via evaluate_dax()
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
datasetName = '' #Enter dataset name
x = fabric.evaluate_dax(
,DICTIONARY_SIZE AS [DictionarySize]
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
datasetName = '' #Enter dataset name
x = fabric.evaluate_dax(
// Select specific columns and rename columns
SELECTCOLUMNS(INFO.TABLES(),"Table Name", [Name],"Hidden", [IsHidden],"Data Category", [DataCategory],[Description])
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
datasetName = '' #Enter dataset name
x = fabric.evaluate_dax(
// Filter by multiple columns
FILTER(INFO.TABLES(),[Name] = "TableName" && [IsHidden] = False) // Update filter with the actual table name
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
datasetName = '' #Enter dataset name
x = fabric.evaluate_dax(
// Select specific columns and filter
FILTER(SELECTCOLUMNS(INFO.TABLES(),[Name],[IsHidden],[DataCategory],[Description]),[Name] = "TableName") // Update filter with the actual table name
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
datasetName = '' #Enter dataset name
x = fabric.evaluate_dax(
// View specific columns and order the table by a column in descending order
SELECTCOLUMNS(COLUMNSTATISTICS(),"Table Name",[Table Name], [Column Name], [Cardinality])
ORDER BY [Cardinality] DESC
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
x = fabric.evaluate_measure(
"DatasetName", #Enter your dataset name
"MeasureName", #Enter the measure name from your dataset
["'TableName'[ColumnName]", "TableName[ColumnName]"]) # Enter columns
%load_ext sempy
%%dax "DatasetName" -w "WorkspaceName" # Enter DatasetName & WorkspaceName
"Header Name",[Measure Name] // Update with actual measure name
Run Dynamic Management Views (DMVs) using DAX cell magic
%%dax "DatasetName" -w "WorkspaceName" # Enter DatasetName & WorkspaceName
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
datasetName = '' #Enter dataset name
dfC = fabric.list_columns(datasetName, extended=True)
dfC_filt = dfC[dfC['Is Resident']]
total_size_sum = dfC_filt['Total Size'].sum()
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
datasetName = '' #Enter dataset name
dfC = fabric.list_columns(datasetName, extended=True).sort_values(by='Temperature', ascending=False)
import pandas as pd
url = ''
tables = pd.read_html(url)
df = tables[0]
df['Fabric/Power BI SKUs'] = df['Fabric/Power BI SKUs'].str.split('/')
df = df.explode('Fabric/Power BI SKUs', ignore_index=True)
import sempy
import sempy.fabric as fabric
import pandas as pd
def get_sku_size(workspaceName = None):
if workspaceName == None:
workspaceId = fabric.get_workspace_id()
workspaceName = fabric.resolve_workspace_name(workspaceId)
dfC = fabric.list_capacities()
dfW = fabric.list_workspaces().sort_values(by='Name', ascending=True)
dfC.rename(columns={'Id': 'Capacity Id'}, inplace=True)
dfCW = pd.merge(dfW, dfC[['Capacity Id', 'Sku', 'Region', 'State']], on='Capacity Id', how='inner')
sku_value = dfCW.loc[dfCW['Name'] == workspaceName, 'Sku'].iloc[0]
return sku_value
sku_value = get_sku_size()
def get_directlake_guardrails(skuSize):
url = ''
tables = pd.read_html(url)
df = tables[0]
df['Fabric/Power BI SKUs'] = df['Fabric/Power BI SKUs'].str.split('/')
df = df.explode('Fabric/Power BI SKUs', ignore_index=True)
filtered_df = df[df['Fabric/Power BI SKUs'] == sku_value]
return filtered_df
Power Query logic can be migrated to Dataflows Gen2 by using a Power Query Template file and then importing that file into Dataflows Gen2. This will migrate all of your tables to Dataflows Gen2 in one swoop.
The following process dynamically creates the Power Query Template (.pqt) file so you can import it into Dataflows Gen2 to create delta tables in your Fabric lakehouse.
Note: For multi-partitioned tables, this process will take just the first partition from the table. In the case of Incremental Refresh, it will take the Source Expression (M query) from the table and ignore the individual partitions.
- Connect the notebook to your lakehouse.
- Run the following command in a Fabric notebook to install the .whl file.
%pip install "%pip install """
- Run this code, specifying the semantic model name in the datasetName parameter.
import fabric_cat_tools as fct
datasetName = '' #Enter the import/DQ semantic model name
- Make sure that you have installed OneLake file explorer.
- Create a new Dataflow Gen2 within your Fabric workspace.
- Select the PowerQueryTemplate.pqt file created in step 3 (note: you may have to right click on the folder in the Windows file explorer and select 'OneLake -> Sync from OneLake').
- Click 'Configure connection' to configure the connection to the data source.
- Select a destination for each table (your desired lakehouse).
- Click 'Publish'.
The documentation for Direct Lake migration has been moved here.