md2notionN是使用notion API上传本地markdown文件至notion database的前端界面
!!!特别注意:用户在文本框中填入的Conntection Key和Database ID会以明文的方式保存在项目目录下的config.txt文件中,该信息十分私密,请勿将config.txt文件上传至github或以其他方式公开,否则可能会导致你的Notion内容丢失和被窃取!!!
md2notionN is a front-end interface for uploading the local Markdown file to your Notion DATABASE
This project is transplanted from
!!! Special attention: The connection key and DataBase ID that the user fills in in the text box will be stored in the config.txt file in the project directory in a clear way. The information is very private. Please do not upload the config.txt file toGithub may be made public in other ways, otherwise it may cause your notion content to be lost and stolen!IntersectionIntersection