Chung-Ang University
- Seoul, South Korea
Code implementation for our ECCV, 2022 paper titled "My View is the Best View: Procedure Learning from Egocentric Videos"
Progress-Aware Online Action Segmentation for Egocentric Procedural Task Videos
[CVPR 2024] - Official code for the paper "Temporally Consistent Unbalanced Optimal Transport for Unsupervised Action Segmentation"
Official Pytorch Implementation of 'BAM-DETR: Boundary-Aligned Moment Detection Transformer for Temporal Sentence Grounding in Videos'
Code for Diffusion Action Segmentation (ICCV 2023)
CLIP (Contrastive Language-Image Pretraining), Predict the most relevant text snippet given an image
[ICCV 2023] How Much Temporal Long-Term Context is Needed for Action Segmentation?
Extended LaTeX template for CVPR/ICCV papers
Official implementation of "CoMFormer: Continual Learning in Semantic and Panoptic Segmentation"
This project is deprecated. Check my new project ChatHub:
A browser extension that enhance search engines with ChatGPT
A curated list of awesome temporal action segmentation resources.
This repository is intended to host tools and demos for ActivityNet
The official code for ECCV22: Helpful or Harmful: Inter-Task Association for Continual Learning
ECCV 2024 论文和开源项目合集,同时欢迎各位大佬提交issue,分享ECCV 2024论文和开源项目
📊 A simple command-line utility for querying and monitoring GPU status
👓 A web interface of gpustat: monitor GPU clusters at a look
A Pytorch Knowledge Distillation library for benchmarking and extending works in the domains of Knowledge Distillation, Pruning, and Quantization.
Extract video features from raw videos using multiple GPUs. We support RAFT flow frames as well as S3D, I3D, R(2+1)D, VGGish, CLIP, and TIMM models.
Iterative Contrast-Classify For Semi-supervised Temporal Action Segmentation
A curated list of awesome Active Learning
Official implementation of Coarse to Fine Multi-Resolution Temporal Convolutional Network for Temporal Action Segmentation
A curated list of papers & resources linked to open set recognition, out-of-distribution, open set domain adaptation and open world recognition
IDE-style autocomplete for your existing terminal & shell
대학원 생활을 하며 사용하는 작고 소중한 코딩팁 (linux 명령어 등)
Official PyTorch Implementation of HELP: Hardware-adaptive Efficient Latency Prediction for NAS via Meta-Learning (NeurIPS 2021 Spotlight)