Notebooks and code for Alpha Architect post on reinforcement learning.
- Tic-Tac-Toe.ipynb - Table-based reinforcement learning to play Tic-Tac-Toe, and analogous if pointless deep learning algo
- Cart-Pole.ipynb - Building deep reinforcement learning algos from scratch with Keras for OpenAI environments like Cartpole and LunarLander.
- Policy Gradient (REINFORCE)
- REINFORCE with baseline
- Run_CartPole.ipynb, Run_LunarLander.ipynb - only run saved good models, don't train
- Ray_tune.ipynb - Similar but with state of the art RL from UC Berkeley Ray project
- Trading_with_RL.ipynb - Algos to trade fake market data, inspired by Gordon Ritter paper Machine Learning for Trading
Typical installation procedure:
Install Anaconda python data science distribution
Make an environment like
conda create --name tf tensorflow
or if you have Nvidia GPU
conda create --name tf_gpu tensorflow-gpu
This should install requirements like working Nvidia drivers
Upgrade TensorFlow to latest version with
pip install --upgrade tensorflow
Install additional requirements as necessary - requirements.txt has python modules installed at time of testing, but most of these aren't necessary and more recent versions may be preferable.
TensorFlow Docker install may also be a good way to start but has not been tested.
Run notebooks using
jupyter notebook