RIT - ENGL 481/781 - Intro to Natural Language Processing
Finding important features for classification of spam in SMS messages
Doug Dlutz [email protected]
Ryan Dennehy [email protected]
This project involves the extraction of relevant features and the creation of an effective classifier for the purpose of SMS spam filtering.
The data set used in this project comes from the UC Irvine Machine Learning repository, at: https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/SMS+Spam+Collection
The Python script should be run as:
python project.py (training set) (test set)
e.g., with our file naming convention:
python project.py SMSTrain SMSTest
The output of the program should be something similar to the following:
Processing train file
('Ham: ', 4827, 'Spam: ', 747)
Processing test file
fitting SVM
{'kernel': 'rbf', 'C': 600, 'verbose': False, 'probability': False, 'degree': 3,
'shrinking': True, 'max_iter': -1, 'random_state': None, 'tol': 0.001,
'cache_size': 200, 'coef0': 0.0, 'gamma': 0.0005, 'class_weight': None}
[[728 0]
[ 10 100]]
nan emailAddress
0.000e+00 phoneNumber
0.000e+00 numChars
3.232e-157 Unigram-txt
6.377e-141 Unigram-call
2.843e-116 Unigram-free
1.621e-112 Unigram-claim
5.359e-87 Unigram-prize
1.205e-83 Unigram-mobile
1.193e-75 Unigram-won
fitting SVM again
[[725 3]
[ 22 88]]