settings are in settings.h-example, make a copy of it to settings.h and add your SSID
- esp8266 (I'm using an Adafruit Huzzah, but others esp8266's would work)
- GPS module with PPS on pin 5, GPS RX pin 15, GPS TX pin 13 (I'm using a ublox Neo-7N, but many others would work)
Log messages:
- softwareserial logs are on TX 1/RX 3 to the USB serial port
- text logs sent over UDP to logDestinationIP:51413, you can receive them with nc or socat
For the GPS module, you just need PPS, serial output at 115200, and ZDA NMEA messages enabled. If you need a different GPS serial speed, adjust BAUD_SERIAL
For tests, see the test/
directory. It uses the ArduinoFake mock environment, which uses the FakeIt mock system and Unity unit tests.