A Pornhub-Style Logo Service.
This project takes inspiration from Shields IO.
Simply use a well-formed URL as an image, which follows this spec:
Component in
means required, in[]
means optional.
- HostURL: The root URL where the project be deployed.
- Prefix: Prefix text on the logo, can not be empty.
- Suffix: Suffix text on the logo, can not be empty.
- FontSize: Font size for prefix and suffix, in range of 30 to 200, default is 60.
- Format: Image file format, supports svg/png/webp, default is "svg".
- Parameters: QueryString-encoded optional parameters, see below for details.
- scheme: Color scheme of the logo, supports black/white, default is "black".
- transparent: Set background to transparent or not, default is "false".
- padding: Padding size around the logo, unset or negative will use a default size.
can not contain any of CJK characters.
- https://logohub.appspot.com/hello-world
- https://logohub.appspot.com/hello-world-90
- https://logohub.appspot.com/hello-world.png
- https://logohub.appspot.com/hello-world?transparent=true
- https://logohub.appspot.com/hello-world-120.webp?scheme=white&transparent=true&padding=0
Feel free to use the example service.
But it is recommended to deploy this project to your own server, because the example service is under a free quota.
Google App Engine:
gcloud app deploy gae-app.yaml
Heroku: TODO