- Sign up for Dean's weekly 30 minute Exam Q&A https://forms.gle/EY1rUCVF5mTgqSc69
- Do not think the exam is completely new - it is not.
- There has only been a 5% change
- ISC2 only added new questions to the new parts of the exam, 95% is the same
- What is that 5%? See the changes doc and come to class.
- This signup is only active when there is a scheduled event
- Sign up for the readiness quiz https://forms.gle/XaJ3HF9XtsyhDky17
- Make a copy of this sheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1s4AiwT5mUAav2qK8-cEoeCOnnO5yhVKk2J7UOxkF18I/