PyS3DE is a solver of stochastic differential equations (SDE) implemented by Python, which both symbolic and numeric schemems are supported.
Numerical solvers include schemes for both with and without jumps.
Note: Scitools is used to generated the picture of simulated data only. To keep minimal necessary Python modules/libraries, it would be removed in TODO list. (Thanks, Yoav Ram) Necessary required submodules of scitools have been added to PySDE since 0.4; this means that scitools is not to be installed.
Extract the source and enter the source directory
- Python2 version: cd Python2; python setup.py install
- Python3 version: cd Python3; python setup.py install
the files in demos include
- DiffusionJumps-1.sws DiffusionJumps.sws (for Sage notebook)
- demo.py
- sdedemo.tm, sdeJump.tm (for TeXmacs and Python plugin)
- sdedemo.ipynb (for IPython notebook)
- sdedemo.pdf
- Symbolic Computation
from sympy import * from pysde import * """ Main Codes Here """ x,dx,w,dw,t,dt,a=symbols('x dx w dw t dt a') x0 =Symbol('x0'); t0 = Symbol('t0') drift=2\*x/(1+t)-a\*(1+t)\*\*2;diffusion=a\*(1+t)**2 sol=SDE_solver(drift,diffusion,t0,x0) pprint(sol)
(t+1)2 (
-at(t₀ + 1)2+ a t₀(t₀+ 1)2+ aw(t₀ + 1)2+ x₀)
(t₀ + 1)2
- Numeric Computation
import matplotlib.pylab as plt from matplotlib import rc rc('font',\*\*{'family':'sans-serif','sans-serif':['Helvetica']}) rc('text', usetex=True) """ setup picture info """ plt.figure(figsize=(5,2)) plt.ylim(-0.5,1.5) """ Initial data """ x0=1.;t0=0.;tn=10. x,dx=symbols('x dx') [a,b,c,d]=[0,-1.,0,1.] drift=a+b\*x diffusion=c+d\*x# nt=200 T= linspace(t0, tn, nt+1) """ Numerical Computation""" X=Euler(drift,diffusion,x0,t0,tn,nt) X,Y=Milstein(drift,diffusion,x0,t0,tn,nt) """Make picture""" plt.plot(T, X, color="blue", linewidth=2.5, linestyle="-", label="Euler") plt.plot(T, Y, color="red", linewidth=2.5, linestyle="--", label="Milstein") plt.plot(T, np.exp(-T), color="green", linewidth=2.5, linestyle="--", label=r"$\exp(-t)$") plt.ylim(X.min()-0.2, X.max()+0.2) plt.title(r"$d X_t=-dt+d W_t,X_0=1$") plt.legend() plt.savefig('Milstein.eps')
Symbolic/Numberic SDE solvers depend on part of the Scitools module which had been extracted and incorporated with the library, which it is not necessary to install scitools again.
Schemes for simulating SDE’s with jumps adds, see demo.
- python code: http://diffusion.cgu.edu.tw/ftp/sde (demo.py)
- TeXmacs with Python plugin: http://diffusion.cgu.edu.tw/ftp/sde (sdedemo.py)
- TeXmacs with Python plugin: SDE with jumps http://diffusion.cgu.edu.tw/ftp/sde (sdejump.py)
- Sage notebook(): http://diffusion.cgu.edu.tw/ftp/sde DiffusionJumps.sws, DiffusionJumps-1.sws
chu-ching huang: [email protected]