First of all this project is modified version of jvectormap
I created this project to help developers who aren't using jQuery in their projects.
The changes have been done
IE 8 has been dropped.
The VML is no longer supported.
jQuery removed the project is pure Javascript.
Checkout here
Code in codesandbox
Installing with npm is recommended.
npm i jsvectormap
You can download the latest version from the Github: Download
<link rel="stylesheet" href="dist/css/jsvectormap.min.css" />
<script src="dist/js/jsvectormap.min.js"></script>
<script src="dist/maps/world.js"></script>
var map = new JsVectorMap({
// Or Element example: document.querySelector('#map')
selector: '#map',
map: 'world'
If you're using webpack or something like that you'll need to import the map you want to work with after importing the library.
@import 'jsvectormap'
@import 'jsvectormap/dist/maps/world.js'
const map = new JsVectorMap({
selector: '#map',
map: 'world',
@import 'jsvectormap'
map 'world'
mapBgColor 'transparent'
The map's container background color
draggable 'true'
Change the map scale when dragging
zoomButtons 'true'
Show zoom buttons
zoomOnScroll 'true'
Zoom the map when scolling.
zoomOnScrollSpeed '3'
The scroll speed when scrolling
zoomMax '12'
Maximum map zoom
zoomMin '1'
Minimum map zoom
zoomAnimate 'true'
Animate when zomming the map
showTooltip 'true'
Show tooltip
markersSelectable 'false'
The marker is selectable
markerStyle 'object'
Let's see an example instead, since the options is so clear.
markerStyle: {
initial: {
r: 8, // Marker width
fill: 'black', // Marker color
fillOpacity: 1, // The opacity of the marker shape
stroke: '#FFF', // Stroke
strokeWidth: 6, // the stroke width
strokeOpacity: .65, // The stroke opacity
// All options in initial object can be overitten in hover, selected, selectedHover object as well.
hover: {
stroke: 'black',
cursor: 'pointer',
strokeWidth: 2,
selected: {
fill: 'blue'
selectedHover: {
fill: 'red'
regionStyle 'object'
The same as markerStyle there's no diffrence.
Name | Description | Params |
onViewportChange |
Triggered when map viewport was changed | scale - transX - transY |
onRegionSelected |
Triggered when a region was selected | index, isSelected, selectedRegions |
onMarkerSelected |
Triggered when a marker was selected | code, isSelected, selectedMarkers |
onRegionTooltipShow |
Triggered when region tooltip was shown | tooltip, code |
onMarkerTooltipShow |
Triggered when marker tooltip was shown | tooltip, code |
Your contributions always welcome
jsvectormap licensed under MIT.