Use GitHub to work as a team on this project. Split up the tasks and use Pull Requests to merge your code. Spend some time (probably 15+ minutes) planning before diving into the code.
Users should be able to search the database for movies. Clicking on a movie poster image should bring the user to the detailed view for that specific movie. Clicking the Add New Movie
button should bring the user to the Add Movie view.
A view that allows a user to add a new movie to the database.
Display the details for a single movie. The url bar in the browser should look something like localhost:5000/#!/5a295d53e149b1ec7e6800e4
. The last part of this url is the mongo _id
of the movie in the database.
You will need to research $routeParams
in order to make this work the right way. This is pretty tough, but look at documentation and ask questions!
Add Movie Reviews to the Movie Details page. Reviews should include rating
(in stars from 1 to 5) and text
(the content of the review).
User's should be able to add a review and see the reviews of others.
Research and use FileStack to to upload images for movies instead of entering a link directly onto the page.