This repository lets you create a Code Dx installation using Docker Compose. A Docker-based installation of Code Dx contains two parts: the database image, based on MariaDB, and the Tomcat image that hosts the Code Dx web application. The Tomcat Docker container will be networked with the MariaDB container to allow Code Dx to store data.
The installation uses docker-compose
to stand up a functional instance of Code Dx automatically, pulling the Tomcat/Code Dx image from Docker Hub, and starting a properly configured MariaDB container.
This section details how to start up a functional instance of Code Dx using Docker, accessible via port 8080.
- Install Docker using these instructions.
- Install docker-compose.
- If desired, edit the following values in the
- The following configuration values affect the database container:
- MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD: The password for MariaDB's root user.
- MARIADB_DATABASE: The name of the database to be created automatically when the container is started.
- The following configuration values affect the Tomcat based Code Dx container:
- DB_URL: The url that Code Dx uses to connect to it's database.
- DB_DRIVER: The jdbc database driver that Code Dx uses.
- DB_USER: The database user Code Dx connects with.
- DB_PASSWORD: The password Code Dx connects with.
- SUPERUSER_NAME: The root administrator name for Code Dx.
- SUPERUSER_PASSWORD: The password for the Code Dx root administrator.
- ports: The list of values underneath this header controls the ports forwarded from the Docker instance to the host machine. The left value represents the port bound on the host machine, the right value represents the port bound in the Docker container. If there is a port conflict on the host machine, alter the left value.
- Run
docker-compose up
. Alternatively, rundocker-compose up -d
to detach and run in the background. - When the message "The Server is now ready!" appears in the console, navigate to http://localhost:8080/codedx to log into your newly spun up Code Dx instance.
- To stop, run
docker-compose stop
, and to remove the Docker containers automatically created, rundocker-compose down
Note: If you want to migrate data from an existing Code Dx system, refer to these instructions.
This Tomcat container can support HTTP over SSL. For example, generate a self-signed certificate with openssl
(or better yet, obtain a real certificate from a certificate authority):
openssl req -new -newkey rsa:4096 -days 3650 -nodes -x509 -subj "/C=US/ST=New York/L=Northport/O=Code Dx/CN=localhost" -keyout ./ssl.key -out ./ssl.crt
The server.xml
file contains a configuration that supports SSL using Tomcat's SSL capability.
This template can be mounted over the existing server.xml
in the Docker image. The SSL certificate and private key must also be mounted.
To configure, edit the docker-compose.yml
codedx-tomcat section to look like:
image: codedx/codedx-tomcat:v5.4.14
- DB_URL=jdbc:mysql://codedx-db/codedx
- DB_DRIVER=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
- DB_USER=root
- codedx-appdata:/opt/codedx
- /path/to/ssl.crt:/usr/local/tomcat/conf/ssl.crt
- /path/to/ssl.key:/usr/local/tomcat/conf/ssl.key
- /path/to/server.xml:/usr/local/tomcat/conf/server.xml
- 8443:8443
- codedx-db
After following the rest of each method's respective setup instructions, Code Dx should now be available over https at the following url: https://localhost:8443/codedx