Welcome to Chatify a simple chat application that uses React Native and GraphQL
The idea for this open source project is to show how we can use GraphQL Subscriptions to deal with Real time updates. And also to show people that WebRTC its not a Monster.
Also im preparing a blog Post to show you guys the processes and the troubles that i passed through.
- First install the dependencies
yarn install
- Copy the env file to .env
yarn server:config:local
- Run the server
yarn server:dev
- Start packager
yarn app:start
- Run on ios or android
yarn app:ios
oryarn app:android
PPS: Android device or AVD must be running so reat native will be able to find the device to deal with the installation
- run this command
ngrok http 5000
to expose the port to the device will appear something like this
Session Status online
Session Expires 7 hours, 47 minutes
Version 2.3.29
Region United States (us)
Web Interface
Forwarding http://7963e9cd.ngrok.io -> http://localhost:5000
Forwarding https://7963e9cd.ngrok.io -> http://localhost:5000
- Copy the fowarding without the
like this7963e9cd.ngrok.io
and replace on theconfig.ts
export const GRAPHQL_URI = 'http://something.ngrok.io/graphql'
export const SUBSCRIPTIONS_URI = 'ws://something.ngrok.io/graphql'
Build on the device using XCode
And test the video calls ❤️
- GraphQL
- Mongoose
- Jest
- Apollo Server
- GraphQL Tag
- React Native
- React Native WebRTC
- React Apollo
- React
- Jest
- React Apollo Hooks
Sibelius Seraphini |
Joao Marins |
Guilherme Jabur |
Raphael Thomazella |