I hold a bachelor's degree in computer science domain from Cambridge institute of technology Bengaluru, Currently, I have been a part of a well-known organization Ntt data and in the past 6 months I've spent 500+ hours learning and practicing Data Science and Machine Learning skills, During this period of time I did a web-Scraping project, Exploratory Data Analysis Project, Excel, and Tableau Project and Recently I have Finished a machine learning Project, My goal is to build my career into the data science domain and enhance my skills at a higher level over time.
Data Science Bootcamp, Jovian (view)
- Courses: Python Programming, Statistics, Data Analysis & Visualization, ML, Excel, SQL & Analytics
- Highlights: 600+ hours of coursework, 10 coding assignments, 3 projects (Web scraping, EDA, ML)
Cambridge Institute of Technology North Campus, Bengaluru, India (2018 - 2022)
- B.Tech, Computer Science (GPA: 7.8/10)
- Courses: Databases & SQL, Programming with Python, Big Data Analysis, Statistics, and Probability
Online Courses: Python Programming Specialization(View)
Skills: SQL, Presentation, Numpy, Pandas, Python, Excel, Tableau, Git, Flask, Web Development, Web-Scraping, Data Visualization, Data Analysis, Machine Learning
Exploratory Data Analysis and Visualization of Used Car Dataset (View)
- Worked with the Used Car dataset from Kaggle containing 4.26 lakh rows across 26 categories
- Used Libraries Like Pandas, Numpy, matplotlib, Seaborn, Plotly, Open Datasets, and Folium
- Obtained an inference about the used cars in the market with their conditions
Web Scraping of Bollywood Filmographies using Beautifulsoup (View)
- Developed a Scrapper Which Withdraws all Desirable Information From Bollywood Filmographies
- Used Packages and libraries like Pandas, BeautifulSoup4, and Requests
- We generated two CSV files from the Scrapped data with four categories for each data frame
Machine Learning on Grocery Sale Forecasting (View)
- Working with Grocery Sales dataset from Kaggle containing 30m+ rows with 6 categories
- Used machine learning models like linear regression, Ridge regression, XGBoost, Random Forest, etc.
- Got the Best RMSLE Score of 0.309 on training set using different models with different hyperparameters
Bookshop Dataset Analysis using Excel & Tableau (View)
- Worked with the Bookshop Dataset using excel and performed tasks using Pivot Table and VLOOKUP
- Loaded the data in Excel into Tableau to visualize and get a better understanding of the data
- Used Bar charts, Pie charts, treemaps, and maps with filters to make the understanding of data better.
Data Scientist Intern - TechnoColabs (view)
- Worked with a Spotify dataset containing 2.3M rows across 16 categories
- Used libraries like Pandas, matplotlib, plotly & different supervised ML algorithms like Random Forest
- Predicted Billboard Hits using Random Forest with 81% accuracy & created a complete report of project
.Net Developer Intern - Ntt Data Bengaluru
- Developed a case study on Icc Cricket World Cup using the Asp .Net MVC framework
- Skills Gained - C#, ASP.NET MVC, Client-side web development, Database management, SQL, Unit testing, AJAX, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Debugging