Source of the website.
TextMate is a graphical text editor for macOS 10.12 or later
deepblue / apn_sender
Forked from arthurnn/apn_senderResque-based background worker to send Apple Push Notifications over a persistent TCP socket.
deepblue / morris.js
Forked from morrisjs/morris.jsPretty time-series line graphs
deepblue / rack-parser
Forked from achiurizo/rack-parserRack Middleware for parsing post body data for JSON, XML and various content types
Rack Middleware for parsing post body data for JSON, XML and various content types
marceldegraaf / apn_sender
Forked from arthurnn/apn_senderResque-based background worker to send Apple Push Notifications over a persistent TCP socket.
Ephemera, two-way sync for your ebook reader. It's looking for a new maintainer, see the README.
RailsAdmin is a Rails engine that provides an easy-to-use interface for managing your data
Background worker to send Apple Push Notifications over a persistent TCP socket.
the source code for
An experiment in publishing code and words about code on a small scale.
NatsuLiphone - The twitter client for iPhone / iPod touch
Web Application Framework in JavaScript and Objective-J
A CSS framework that aims to cut down on your CSS development time
This rails plugin not only runs "EXPLAIN" before each of your select queries in development, but provides a small DIV in the rendered output of each page with the summary of query warnings that it …
OAuth implementation for Ruby. Note official maintained version is now at
pjhyett / github-services
Forked from github/github-servicesMoved to
Outdated: Please check for the current development
Code as Art, Art as Code. Processing and Ruby are meant for each other.
Easy creation of Facebook applications in Ruby using plugin for Sinatra web framework that integrates with Facebooker gem.
An open source social networking platform in Ruby on Rails