$ # DL VoTT snap from github
$ sudo snap install "~/Downloads/vott-2.1.0-linux.snap --dangerous
$ yay -S opencv2
$ pipenv install
- SXXX = Screw
- BXXX = Bolt
- NXXX = Nut
- OXXX = Others
my_token: maRMdjSQEkuaDCcGoqmA/LSt3wotOZFxlLgrDNTlhkQ=
First of all, it's need to make directories by following cmd.
$ mkdir {datasets_raw,datasets_vott,datasets_voc}/xxx_dataset
do Annotion by VoTT
- Firstly, create Security Token and save it to somewhere private space
- Connections:
- target connection
- name is target_xxx_dataset
- select local storage of datasets_vott/xxx_dataset
- source connection
- name is source_xxx_dataset
- select local storage of datasets_raw/xxx_dataset
- target connection
- Project settings
- name is
- select security token and target/source connection that i have created
- name is like
since there is already same name folder. - video frame rate is 1 sec
- name is
- Export Setings
- providor: pascal voc
- asset state: only tagged assets
- test:train = 20:80
- export unsinged: check
after annotation is done, export proj as Pascal VOC
$ DSNAME=xxx_dataset;
$ cp -R ./datasets_vott/${DSNAME}/${DSNAME}-PascalVOC-export/* ./datasets_voc/${DSNAME}/
$ python scripts/augment.py --dsname=$DSNAME --size=5 --train_percentage=1
$ python scripts/voc_summary.py --dsname=$DSNAME --filename=S001.txt
$ python scripts/voc_label.py --dsname=$DSNAME --filenames=S001.txt
- https://github.com/wakuphas/wakuphas/blob/master/AI/Scripts/increase_img.py
- https://wakuphas.hatenablog.com/entry/2018/09/19/025941
- https://github.com/zchrissirhcz/imageset-viewer
- http://mukopikmin.hatenablog.com/entry/2018/12/05/002339
- https://github.com/tzutalin/labelImg
- https://github.com/aleju/imgaug